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The following day Sharon is sneaking around the building, she pulls her phone out and make a call "Sir, I have the rest of the intel and Ive also managed to get my hands on Arrow" She says when the other line picks up "But I need to meet with you tonight, they will start looking for her soon."

"Excellent Agent Carter, I knew I could count on you to get the job done" Cross congratulates her "Meet me at our predestined location at midnight, bring the disk and the precious cargo."

"Yes Sir" Sharon responds "The warehouse on 85th and broadway, ill be there with both items" She hangs up and smiles at Arrow

"Well done Agent" Arrow smiles back at her "Lets get the rest of the team and go pay Cross a visit"

"Be careful when you get there" Sharon warns "Hes a very untrusting man, he will have the place rigged in some way"

They arrive at the warehouse before midnight, everything is dark and quiet. "Guys I dont like the look of this, everyone be on high alert" Clint says over the communicator. There is static and Sharons voice rings out "Heads up people, it's a trap!" All hell breaks loose as they hear shots echoing over the line.

Everyone is fighting there own battle trying to make their way to where Cross is thought to be, Tony manages to corner him "Stop right there, Willy boy" Tony holds up the hand of his iron man suit that is glowing as he engages the weapon system "Or I will blast you head off"

"Well if its not the Famous Avengers" Cross drawls "Im really quite impressed"

Clint comes walking in with Arrow following "You should be Cross, especially since you are still breathing" Clint says in disgust "If it were me, you wouldn't be"
Arrow strolls up to Cross and sneers at him "Wipe that smirk off your face old man" arrow says quietly "Better yet, let me!" She punches him, hard, knocking him out. She looks at his crumped body "Bring him inside and lets have some fun!"

Cross regains consciousness, and looks around at everyone just standing around watching him "Is this some kind of joke?"

Arrow looks over at him and raises an eyebrow "No one is laughing here, Cross" She says "Just going to have a nice little conversation before we ship you off to a shield prison."

Cross looks at his wrists and smirks "Im not even tied up, whats to stop me from getting up and leaving" he shakes his head "do you guys really think you can stop me?"

"Oh i dont need to tie you up Cross." Arrow says matter factly "All I need is this beauty right here" She holds up a small device and grins "It works wonders on douchebags just like you!"

"What the hell did you do to me?" Cross asks concerned, he can feel something working in his head

"Oh don't worry it will only hurt a little bit" Tony grins "Thanks for the inspiration, couldn't have done it without you."

"The device you used on Sharon came in real handy" nat adds "And its just the perfect size for you pea sized narcissistic brain"

Cross attempts to lunge at Nat but finds that he can't leave the chair despite not bing tied up "What the hell?"

"We took care of that while you took a little nap" Sharon states "No need to implant it in your brain like you did to Arrow or myself"

"You see, our brilliant scientist Banner modified that device so that it just needs to touch your skin and it will fuse with your nerves and leave you a mass of easily manipulated cells." Arrow smirks as Cross glares at her "Lovely isn't it?"

"Dont worry we aren't going to be using it though" Clint shrugs "We are leaving that one to the professionals"

"Oh yeah and who are you handing me over to?" Cross questions

Arrow smirks again and walks away heading for the doors "Oh no worries, you now exactly who he is, you've been impersonating him for weeks now"

Cross looks nervously at the doors "You seriously think I'm scared of shield? Im the CIAs top most scientist, I revolutionized brainwashing!"

"You were the CIAs top scientist" Arrow corrected "As for brainwashing or controlling devices, I believe you will find that ours is so much better than yours, Cross"

"You are a bitch, Arrow!" Cross screams angrily "lll escape and when i do, I'm coming for you and that little brat of yours!"

"You keep telling yourself that, Cross" Arrow presses the button and smiles as Cross doubles over, struggling against the mind controlling pulses "Enjoy the life of servitude, Fury come and get your dog"

Fury walks in through the doors "Hello Mr.Cross, im looking forward to working with you"

"Commander Fury, How may I serve you?" Cross answers stiffly and looks at them horrified

"Nice touch, Arrow, this is going to be fun" Fury comments

"Just make sure you keep him on a tight leash" Clint warns "Because  if he crosses my path ever again, I will kill him"

"I will get out, Bar..." Cross winces as he feels sharp little pulses in his brain "I cant say your name, what the hell kind of device is this?!"

This time Arrow smiles fully "The kind of device that will have you unable to say our names within 24 hours or you will get shocked over and over again" Arrow faces Cross fully "Enjoy having every little bit of yourself being erased, William Cross, just like you did to Barney"

"Good bye Cross" Clint adds

Everyone watches as Cross walks away with Fury and Sharon, Arrow turns to Clint "Its finally over!" She pulls him in for a loud and noisy kiss. Clint holds her close another moment and then pulls away

"Lets go home, Arrow" Clint holds out a hand for hers. Arrows miles and takes his hand, looking at the others her smile grows

"So Tony, when can we have one of your famous parties," She asks him winking "Because I believe this deserves a celebration!" She laughs as Tony pulls out his phone and starts making arrangements as everyone leaves the warehouse and past behind.

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