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Everyone stands around waiting on Tony to get the tracker up and running, Tony gives Clint a nod and he dials the number Tony retrieved from Arrows phone "Okay Clint, once he answers the tracker will engage" He says "Just keep him talking long enough for us to get a location"

The phone rings endlessly and just when Clint was about to give up, there is a click on the other end and a low voice can be heard through the speaker "Hello Darling" Trickshots rich voice rings out "I didn't think id be hearing from you this soon. Did you deliver the intel like we talked about?"

"Hello sweetheart" Clint drawls "Its been a long time since Ive heard your voice"

"Little brother" Trickshot chuckles "I didnt think you would be calling me, especially on this line. Did you enjoy my little surprise?"

"Do you mean sending the love of my life to attack my team and myself?" Clint counters "Or the drone you sent to destroy Arrows cabin, with us still in it?"

There is a brief silence on the other end, then Trickshot responds "Well that's an interesting turn of events. I did send Arrow but I had nothing to do with the business at the cabin"

"I find that hard to believe" Clint scoffs "Considering you had no qualms about kidnapping a child from their mother and using them as a pawn"

Trickshot laughs softly "She told you about Willow, well that is surprising. Did she tell you who the father is little brother?" He taunts

"I know Willow is my daughter" Clint answers looking at Arrow "Im coming to get her, Barney and im coming for you!"

"Good luck finding me little brother. And Hawkeye?" Trickshot says pausing for a second before continuing in the same mocking tone "Its Trickshot now, Barneys dead"

Everyone is silent as they listen to the dial tone, as Trickshot hangs up the phone, killing the connection. Arrow and Clint turn to Tony, expectantly.
"We got him" Tony exclaims "Lets roll team"

Everyone scrambles to gather there gear and get on the jet,Clint and Arrow look at each other "Lets go get our girl, Arrow" Clint says as he squeezes her hand before letting go and turning away to join the others.

Arrows heart skips a beat at the look in Clints eyes, she follows behind them, his conversation with Trickshot ringing in her ears, Clint had called her the love of his life. Arrow gave herself a mental shake, she could not think of that right now, Willow had to be her number one priority.

The avengers and Arrow arrive at the location Tony had tracked Trickshot to, it looked to be an abandoned warehouse, they all divide into groups of two and take different entrances, while doing this no one notices the figure at the top of the tallest building. As Arrow and Steve round the west side of the building looking for a side entrance, Arrow hears a distinct whizzing sound.

"Steve watch out!" Arrow yells and tackles him to the ground as another arrow flies over their heads and lands a couple feet from them. Arrow helps Steve up a sthe rest of the group runs to join them. "safe to say he knows we are here" Arrow states out loud, looking around and up in the general direction the arrows came from, it was almost pitch black everywhere she looks.

Steve looks after row and smile slightly "Thanks for the save"

Arrow smiles back "Youre welcome, I told you I come in hand" Arrow pulled out her own bow and arrows "Now, lets light up the sky and scatter the cockroaches"
She shoots a bomb arrow in the direction she believes Trickshot might be, it explodes just feet from him, illuminating his face.

Clint takes advantage of the light and immediately follows Arrows shot with one of his own, causing Trickshot to jump out of the way before the arrow makes contact. Trickshot salutes Arrow and Clint and disappears from view.

"Damn it, Slippery bastard" Arrow curses, she turns to Clint "We have to find him.He could have moved Willow or Crossfire could have gotten her"

"We should be the ones  to go after him" Clint says as he tuns towards Steve "Cap?"

"Go!"Steve nods at the both of them"The rest of us will search the building, Nat youre with me" he says turning to Nat, signaling for her to follow as they split up.

Clint and arrow go in through the South entrance, slowing them pace and their breathing, they turn the corner and stop in their tracks, a lone figure can be seen a the end of the hall, shrouded in shadows.

"Hello baby brother" Trickshot says smirking

Arrow throws out a hand to stop Clint from charging "Charles Bernard Barton!" Arrow scolds "Where's Willow?"

"Ohhh" TRickshot laughing at Arrow "using full names and the mom voice, just gets me all worked up babygirl"

"Dont you dare call her that" Clint threatens "Where is my daughter, Big brother" he sneers out the last two words

"She safe, what kind of monster do you think I am?" Trickshot asks feigning hurt

"The kind that would kidnap a child and hold them hostage" Clint answers "Now where is she?"

"I'll tell you but Arrow has to come with me first" Trickshot shoots back

"She's not going anywhere " Clint says " And neither are you."

"And who's going to stop me? The mighty Hawkeye?" Trickshot smirks

Arrow pulls out a bow and arrow and aims it at him "No i am, there is no way out for you Barney.Just tell me-where Willow is please" Arrow practically begs.

"There is always a way out, Arrow" Trickshot says with another smirk at Clint and turns to run off Arrow releases her arrow and her aim is true, hitting him in the center of the back. His body convulses as the arrow omits a powerful shockwave, he falls unconscious to the ground.

Clint runs over to Trickshot and slaps on of Tonys speacial cuffs on Trickshots wrists "Shocker Arrow, one of my personal faves" He smiles at her as they approach the unconscious Trickshot and Clint gives him a non too gentle kick. "Mine too" she exclaims

Suddenly they hear a faint high pitched scream "Willow!" Arrow exclaims and the two take off running on the direction of the scream.

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