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Arrows head is throbbing as she tries to open her eyes, someone keeps trying to shake her awake.She can here her name being called almost distantly, repeatedly, Arrow opens her eyes, slowly.

"Arrow, come on Honey, open your eyes" Nat says, sighing in relief as Arrows eyes flutter open.

Arrow slowly sits up looking at Nat and Clint "What the hell happened?" She stares in disbelief at the rubble that was her cabin.

"It seems that either Trickshot or Crossfire are upset that you haven't delivered the goods." Clint answers following her gaze

"Damnit!' Arrow curses "It had to have been Crossfire, I cant believe that Barney would stoop this low, especially since he still has Willow." She tries to get up, slowly, everything ached "he must have found out that Barney was out for himself too, end run,eliminating the middle person."

"Whoever the hell it was they are sending a second round" Clint says looking up at the sky "I can hear the drone circling back, lets go"

"Where are we going?" Arrows asks as they make their way further into the woods and out of the sight of the drone.

"The compound" Clint answers curtly "We dont have any other safe choice and we are going to need the Avengers help getting Willow back."

Arrow is quiet for the rest of the trip, she doubts that after the shit she pulled that they are going to want to help her but she goes with Clint and Nat back to the jet and off to the compound, where they are greeted at the door by Tony.

"What the hell is she doing back here?" He asks Nat and Clint angrily

"we told you we would find her,this whole situation in not what it seems, Tony" Clint answers

Arrow walks over to Tony and hands him the flash drive with the stolen information "Here, I never wanted any of this crap! I just want my baby girl back home safe."

"What do you mean,you want your baby girl back?" Steve asks from behind Tony, stepping into view. "Who took her and what does it have to do with us?"

"The only reason I came after you guys is because Trickshot and Crossfire kidnapped my little girl" Arrow says simply "The minute I saw Clint I knew the real reason why they involved me" She glances at Clint briefly and then back at Steve, "And my daughter, I just want her back at this point, with or without your help!"

"Shes not just your little girl, Arrow" Nat says quietly, she turns to Tony and Steve "Willow is Clints daughter, the kidnapper is his older brother, Barney."

Arrow looks at the ground as she sits on the couch defeated. Tony continues to look between her and Clint and then finally speaks up "How can we trust what shes saying" He asks Clint "She practically blew the place up, stole info from us and then broke out of our cells."

Clint looks at Arrow and the back at Tony "I know its the truth but I figured you wouldn't be as trusting" he gets up and hands Tony a sealed bag "I have several hair samples from Willow and myself, as well as Arrows. Run your tests, check the flash drive, everything's there."

"Real nice Clint" Arrow mutters "Are you sure this is just for Tonys sake or is there some part of you that doesnt believe" Arrow gets up and paces. To the window, looking out, her arms crossed over her chest defensively.

"Stop it, Arrow" Nat says sharply "You kept this from him so if he didnt believe you, you dont have the right to be mad" She continues as Arrow looks at her "But he does believe you and so do I. This is strictly for the others, we need the full truth, its the only way to get Willow back"

Arrow sighs heavily and faces the room at large "Youre right, I did lie, I did steal but I only blew up a few things" Arrow smiles a little before sobering up "I never wanted anyone to get hurt. And now I'm standing here practically begging for all your help in getting my girl back."

"Run the diagnostics and the tests, Tony" Clint added "There's a little girl in danger and we need to get past this is to be able to save her."

"This is ridiculous!" Arrow suddenly explodes "We are wasting time here, my daughter is out there with a man that is unstable and hates her father and a madman who blew up my damn cabin!"

"Tony you can't be taking this seriously!" Steve says loudly "She cant be trusted"

Arrow glares at Steve and turns to stare back out the window, shes feeling anxious and exhausted from everything. Tony ignores Steve as he analyzes the data on the flash drive and runs the DNA test, after a few moments there is several loud beeps.

"Shes telling the truth about the drive and the child" Tony says out loud "Clint can you take her up to the rooms, we need to talk please"

"Seriously Tony?!" Steve exclaims

"Are you sure you dont want to just throw me back in the dungeons?" Arrow asks sarcastically

"Ill take her up to my rooms" Clint says as he lays a hand on Arrows lower back "Lets go, Arrow" He takes her arm and leads her out of the lab and to the stairs leading to the rooms upstairs. Steve watches as they climb they walk away and then he faces Tony.

"We need to do more then talk Tony" he says angrily "You just invited the enemy to stay with us!" Tony just rolls his eyes at Steve before going back to the data screen.

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