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Nat and Steve are searching the building when they come across a padlocked room, Nat gives it a hard pull but it doesnt budge "Hey Steve, help a girl out" She points out the lock.

Steve walks towards her "Here let me" He grabs the lock and yanks hard, cracking it open.

"Thanks" Nat says as she opens the door and peeks in, its just one long corridor leading up to a set of stairs heading up. Nat and Steve can hear faint child like singing coming from the very top,along with a very faint light.

"Steve, I think its her" Nat points to a child sitting at a small desk, her soft curly hair failing to the middle of her back, just coloring away.

"Shes got a pretty voice" Steve comments "Wonder who she gets it from"

"Here's a child and there's a bed. There's a pillow, there's a head." The little girl sang "There's a curtain, here's a light. And there's a puff and say Goodnight" The little girl looks over at the sudden noise and lets out a scream when she sees Steve, then she notices Nat "Auntie Nat" Willow exclaims

"I think she knows you" Steve grins

"Arrow told me she showed her pictures of us and told her who we were" Nat turns to Willow "Hey Willow"

"Hi, did mama send you to come get me?" Willow questioned "I would really like to see my mama now, I miss her."

"Yeah, mommys actually here, honey" Nat coaxed "Why dont you come with the Captain and I and we will go find her"

Steve, Nat and Willow are exiting the room when Clint and Arrow making their way to them, Willow looks up and sees Arrow, she lets out a little cry releasing Nats hand and running towards Arrow "Mama!"

"Willow, oh God baby!" Arrow exclaims as she catches Willow as she flies into her arms, Arrow wraps her arms around her daughter, sinking to her knees rocking and crying. "Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?"

"I'm okay mama" Willow answers planting kisses on her mamas face "But I-wanna go home please"

Arrow kisses her again and wipes at her tears as she stands up and holding her close she turns her to face Clint "Absolutely, baby, but first there is some one i want you to meet" Arrow turns Willow to face Clint "Willow, this is Clint"

"I remember you from the pictures" Willow says shyly "You were mamas very best friend just like Auntie Nat"

"Clint is more than that baby" Arrow spoke up "Hes your daddy"

Willows smile blooms, big and bright "Really?"

"Hello Willow" Clint says smiling, tears springing to his eyes "Its great to finally meet you" He stretches a hand out to Willow who takes it trustingly and they all head out of the building with the rest of the team following, a still unconscious Trickshot in tow.

On the jet, Nat and Clint are messing around with Arrow "Now before we take off" Nat begins "Please ensure that all small items are secured"
Clint gasps and looks at Arrow concerned

"What?" Arrow asks looking at him confused

"Do you feel safe?" Clint Whispers

"Really?" Arrow rolls her eyes "You two must be the funniest people you know" Nat and Clint bust out laughing as Willow looks back and forth at everyone, smiling.

Arriving back at the compound safe, Steve secures Trickshot in the cells and everyone retires for the night. Arrow finishes tucking Willow in for the night and makes her way out of her room to find Clint waiting for her.

"Hey" He greets her "Shes all settled in?"

"Yeah, shes fast asleep" Arrow smiles at him "Too much adventure and information. I'm sure tomorrow will bring a million questions for both of us" Arrow yawns "But that's tomorrows problem"

"Yeah, but I still have some questions, Arrow" Clint began "I was hoping we could talk please"

Arrow looks wearily at Clint, considering refusing, she was just so damn tired but she knows he deserves answers "yeah sure" She answers "Your room or mine?"

"Lets go to mine" He gestures, Arrow follows him in and stands by the door while he sits on his bed.

"Arrow im not going too drag this out" He begins "You leaving me the way you did, keeping Willow from me, it was messed up"

"Clint knowing what I know now,I dont disagree but at the time, I wasn't thinking straight." Arrow protests "Im sorry, so sorry but we can work something out so that you can be in Willows life from now on" Arrow stops talking as Clint holds his hand up for silence

"It was messed up" Clint says again "But I understand and damn straight im going to be in Willows life and yours too Arrow"

Arrow looks at him confused "Im not sure Im following you" She begins "I get you being in Willows life, shes your daughter and you already missed out on so much but mine?" She finished wearily, waiting on his answer.

"I want us to get away for a while, just you me and our daughter" Clint answers "I have a secluded farm, we can go there and get to know each other again and I can get to know my little girl."

"Clint, I dont get it" Arrow explodes, and immediately lowers her voice "I screwed everything up, disappeared for years, almost blew you up once I saw you again" She starts pacing around "Why on earth do you want anything to do with me beyond our daughter!"

"Ive never stopped thinking about you Arrow, never stopped caring" Clint answers, his voice a quiet murmur in opposition to her heat "You were my best friend Arrow and became so much more, we both deserve to see if its still there,for Willow and for us"

"But what if its not?" Arrow stops pacing, throwing her hands up in defeat "What if its gone? and you realize that it was just the heat of the moment and the affection we shared as friends" Arrow asks, tired and scared of the answer "Thats so much worse than thinking you were still with Laura, I just dont think its a good idea Clint."

"Then it will be what it will be" Clint shrugs "But you owe me that much, you owe me the chance you denied me and yourself years ago."

Arrow is silent for a few moments, knowing Clint is right and what she may feel at this moment doesnt matter, she owes him that much "Okay when do we leave?" She sighs

"In two days" he responds

"okay we will be ready"Arrow turns to leave, her hand on the knob

"Oh and Arrow" Clints says nonchalantly

Arrow turns around when he calls her, shes watches as he reaches her in two strides, pushing her against the door and pulling her in. The kiss is hot and passionate but also sweet, Arrows arms instinctively come around his neck and she simply sinks into him tasting the unique flavor that is Clint as their tongues tangle in a mating dance as old as time.

Clint pulls away and looks into her dazed face "Its still there, baby" He says, giving her another soft kiss as he opens the door and gives her ass a little pat, sending her out of his room and back to hers.
Once there she leans against her bedroom door touching her lips "Oh boy" She thinks as she gets ready for bed.

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