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After being caught Arrow found herself put into a cage in the basement of the compound, a dungeon of sorts where she knew for a fact the famed Loki had once been a guest. They left her there while they headed upstairs to discuss exactly who she was and what the hell she was doing there and how she managed to get in and get as much info as she did, and of course what they should do with her.

Upstairs Tony strides into the conference room and straight up to Clint. "Whose the girl Barton?" He demands

Clint looks at Nat and then back at Tony. "Her name is Arrow, Nat and I knew her years ago."

"That's putting it mildly" Nat exclaims as she gets up to pace, she turns to Tony "Arrow was our best friend, then one day she just disappeared without a trace." She looks back at Clint "We tried everything but neither of us was ever able to find her."

Tony and Steve look at each other and exchange a look before Steve turns to Clint, an eyebrow raised waiting for further information.
"It doesn't matter." Clint shakes his head "That was 7 years ago."

"What happened to make her disappear?" Steve persists "And why is she back now?"

"I don't think it really matters why she disappeared, Cap" Tony scoffs "What does matter is what she was trying to accomplish with her light show today." He goes back to analyzing the data Arrow had been trying to acquire.

"I think it does matter." Steve insists "It could link directly to the reason why she's here and if she believes she can exploit an old relationship with Clint and Nat to her advantage."

"It seems our little arsonist was attempting to retrieve info on a new project I'm working on with Shield." Tony interjects as his data finishes loading on screen.

Everyone starts talking at once, questioning Tony about the new project, no one notices as Nat slips away.

Arrow is just hanging out near the bars in the front of the cell when she hears the door to the basement creak open, and someone walks in. "Well look what the cat dragged in" She drawls "Hello, Nat. Long time no see."

"Arrow" Nat says as she approaches the cell. "Where the hell have you been this whole time? We looked everywhere for you"

"Oh Ive been here and there" Arrow says dismissively "And you, of all people, know that if I don't want to be found, then I wont be."

"You left without a word, Arrow" Nat continues "We didn't know if you were alive or dead." Nat gets closer still "It nearly broke Clint" She accused.

Arrow scoffs at Nats words "I sincerely doubt that" She glared at Nat, bitterness in her voice. "Especially with Laura around."

"Laura?" Nat asks, confused "What does she have to do with anything? Her and Clint broke up months before...." Nat trailed off

"Months before Clint and I got together?" Arrow shakes her head dismissively "Yeah I thought so too but you know a picture is worth a thousand words." Once again she looked at Nat, bitterness and grief in her eyes "I was nothing to him, Nat. Just like I am now." She leans against the bars defeated "Nothing to either of you, please just go."

"Arrow I don't know what the hell you are talking about." Nat says and her face goes blank, she couldn't afford to get pulled into the past at this time, she needed info. "I need to know why you are here and who sent you?" She saw Arrow stiffen "You are the best ex CIA operative I know but you aren't better than me, you know that, so you might as well just tell me."

Nat steps forward and grabs Arrows arm, making her look her in the eye, Arrows are just as filled with determination as Nats and some regret. "I'm not telling you anything Nat." Arrow attempts to pull away "Just leave me be."

Nat gives her arm one last hard squeeze and turns on heels leaving her alone. Arrow looks down at her hands, a single tear falls on her hand as she finishes picking the locks, she slips silently out of the cell and out of the compound.

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