~ A/N Update ~

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Hello everyone!

I cannot explain how sorry I am for disappearing for almost a month now. Some things in my life are going on right now. My Grandma recently has almost been put into hospice. Meaning that she will most likely die soon. She's a skeleton basically. Probably within a week she'll leave this Earth. Lately, I have been getting bad headaches and went to the hospital for a week or so. It's been busy. I am fine mentally and physically and have had plenty of time to write, yet I have no motivation. All of the attention my story is getting means the world to me. All of your nice comments, and the stars. I absolutely love reading them. They make my whole day. As a person who's read many things online, I easily lose interest in stories that are not updated constantly. I know that most of you who are not new to reading my story, are already bored, and I apologise. The burning passion I had for writing only lasts for so long. I lose interest in many things very quickly and this was one of the things I didn't want to lose, but I did. I'm trying to write the next chapter slowly, but every time I look at it, It's just like looking at a black wall. I was hoping my writers block would stop after a week, but its been weeks and nothing is returning. I don't want to stop the story, but updates will sure as hell be slow. I'm so sorry, and I love all of you guys so much. <3


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