~ Une Marche? ~

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art by @yara049 on Twitter

~A Walk?~

A little bit of spoilers from Xiao's story quest! (one line)


As Aether and Xiao were walking into the harbour, the smell of cuisine, the sight of culture and lights, and the touch of the warm air hit their faces.

Xiao looked around, scanning the crowd.

The people around him noticed he was an adeptus.

They whispered.

They pointed and looked.

Were they looking at them because he was an adeptus or because he was holding hands with Aether?

It made Xiao uncomfortable, but he tried to push through it.

He squeezed Aether's hand by accident, the blonde noticed.

"Everything fine?" Aether asked as they stopped walking.

Xiao nodded. "Its just that all the nuisances around us are staring." He mumbled.

Aether chuckled. "Ignore them, okay? Just focus on me."

He smiled as the glow of the lights beamed on his face. '

Xiao's mouth rose to a grin.

He looked around and saw all the people of Liyue laughing with their peers. He smelled food like never before.

"Let's go over there!" Xiao pulled Aether over to Chef Mao, where the smell was coming from.

Xiao, excited?

A side that's never shown.

When they reached Chef Mao, Xiao gave Aether the look of "do it please."

Aether chuckled.

"We'll have one Almond Tofu and one Golden Shrimp Balls, please." The blonde asked as he told Chef Mao his order.

"Oh-oh-oh! You're the traveller, correct?"

Chef Mao's mouth opened wide.

"XIAO? The adeptus Xiao?!" Chef Mao beamed.

Xiao's face became an unsettling expression.

"This must be good luck from the heavens!" He mumbled.

"Ah..yes..can we get our food now?" Aether asked as he reached out for Xiao's hand behind him.

"Oh! O-Of course! You know what? Your order is free! On me!" Chef Mao said excitedly.

"N-No that's okay!" Aether challenged his insinuation.

"I'd be honoured to pay for your meal! I'll bring it out to you right when it's done!" The Chef didn't hear Aether.

"Uh, okay.."

Aether and Xiao were uncomfortable, but they managed to overcome it when they sat down to eat.

As they sat down, Chef Mao came out to give them their food. Xiao heard the voice of the storyteller behind Aether's voice.

"Are you liking it so far? Liyue and the food?" Aether asked as he ate his Golden Shrimp Balls.

"It's nice. Better...than I thought." Xiao said as he looked up at Aether.

Xiao looked down at Aether's food.

Looks good, but can I eat that.?

The effects of his karmic debt left him unable to try other food.

I tried Pervases favourite dish, can I eat this?

Aether looked up as he heard Xiao stop eating.

He chuckled.

"Do you want one?" The blonde asked.

"Sure.." Xiao hesitated.

He looked at it for a few seconds. Then finally took a bite.


"What do you think?" Aether asked.

The adeptus chewed it more before talking. "It's not terribly bad, but not great. Perhaps I'll stick to almond tofu."

"Ok! Do you still want it?" Aether asked looking at the golden ball, almost drooling.

Xiao put the rest of it in his mouth. It wasn't a lot so Aether was able to eat it.

The blonde's eyes expanded then he started chewing it, excitedly.

Xiao blushed.


The lovers continued their way through the harbour.

Their fingers still interlocked with each other as Aether held onto Xiao's arm.

The lights lit up their path as children were running past.

A blonde girl appeared in their vision.

She had white, no red, no green, yellow eyes?

Aether squinted.

He let go of Xiao's arm and walked forward.

The girl flawlessly turned around to face him.




sorry for the wait!

thank you for reading :)

624 words

Can You Be Cured? - Xiao x Aether Genshin ImpactWhere stories live. Discover now