= Inner thoughts =

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Gwen's Thoughts

My name is Gwen, and I was once a human before all of this.

Long ago, I woke up on a beach with no memory of who or where I was. All I remembered was my name and that I was a human.

But on that same day, that was also when Zen found me.

Ever since that day, Team Pheonix was born. Our job was to help pokemon by exploring Mystery Dungeons. Each floor was always something random, so there was always something new to explore.

It's been officially 1 year since Zen and I graduated from Wigglytuff's guild. Since then, we were able to go through new adventures and meet new pokemon.

I'm happy things turned out for the better. Zen is working hard to achieve evolution. But somehow, I can't evolve due to originally being a human-turned-pokemon. I'll just be here to support him...and grow strong...together.

But then again, I always find myself thinking back to the past events of the future.

Before I met Zen......Before I lost my memories, where Grovyle and I partnered together to solve the planet's paralysis. I can't help but want to remember who I was and what I did at that time. Wherever they are, a part of me hopes that Grovyle is alright.

Everything seems to be going great and yet...somehow, I have this feeling...something missing...

Is this really the end? There's this feeling that lingers in me that some things haven't been fully resolved yet.


Guess I'll think about it another time.


I feel a slight tap on my shoulder. "Hey, Gwen! Something wrong?"

"Huh? Oh, it's nothing. C'mon, let's use the escape orb and get out of here."

"Alrighty, Let's GO!"

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