Chapter 29: Splish Splash

Start from the beginning

Hermione felt a bit sick as she shared the image of a small aquarium of cloudy water and panicking squids with Marvin. Were all fish and creatures sentient? Did she have to give up fish and chips and become a vegetarian?

"Anyway, one night he brought me down to the lake, enlarged me to this size, and let me go. He commanded me not to hurt the merpeople or the students, and to guard the lake from dark intruders. I have been doing that ever since. I also keep the carp population in check" and the squid distinctly giggled in her brain.

"You are all alone, poor friend?" Hermione asked with pity.

"Friend. Are we friends, Hermione of the land and lake?" Marvin asked her hopefully. "I love the merfolk, but they do not spend much time with me. I would like a friend. Perhaps that is what keeps beings alive – friendship."

Marvin was certainly a philosopher, Hermione mused. "I would be honored to be your friend, Marvin." She swam up and stroked the tentacle he stretched out toward her. "And when the school year starts, I have three friends, founders' heirs too, who can talk with you also. They will be thrilled to meet you. Did you know the house elves can talk with you too?"

"I do listen in on elf chat a lot when I'm bored, but I don't bother to speak with them any more. Elves are too busy to take time with a squid." Marvin said sorrowfully. "Wait – all four of the founders are back? The merfolk will want to talk with you! Is Albus Dumbledore retiring?"

Hermione looked in the giant eye of the squid that was facing her. "Marvin, I will not lie to my friend. He is about to lose his job for not keeping with the desires of the founders. He has become more interested in politics and forgotten about the needs of his students."

"Although I've only been here one hundred summers, Hermione, I've learned much of the history of Hogwarts from the merfolk. I don't think they are very happy with headmaster. I have no qualms with him – if he hadn't of changed me and brought me here, I would have been fish food decades ago. But times are changing." Marvin had a thoughtful look (for a squid) about him as he chatted.

"Have any other wizards or witches been here lately to speak with them, Marvin?" Hermione asked the squid.

"No. There was a fingerling about 60 years ago that could talk with me – he was wonderful to chat with. His name was James. James Weasley. Other than him, it's been the headmaster only."

"Wow, Marvin" Hermione laughed, "James must have been the grandfather of several of the students now. There are seven Weasley brothers and sisters!"

"Are they as nice as you?" Marvin sounded beside himself with joy. "I have really missed chatting with people."

"Some of them are wonderful, some not-so. The twins, who left school last year, would love to talk with you – I know they mind-speak. They are good friends of mine. The other three founders are wonderful friends – you will love them all." Hermione smiled at her new buddy. He was really a sensitive kind of guy. She looked the squid over for a bit and said "Marvin, when the war is over, which will be soon, I promise to either return you to the ocean or bring you a companion – which ever you desire." I also will never eat calamari again, Hermione added privately to herself.

"Oh Hermione – you have filled my heart with joy!" Marvin gushed. I'm pretty sure I can say I don't want to return to the ocean – large or not, it's rough out there. A companion! My soul is singing!" Marvin actually spun in place, swirling his tentacles like a ballerina's skirts. "But not so many would die this time, right?"

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