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I was working inside my cabin,when suddenly Karina came inside and approach me..


Oh,Karina..do you need something?-Jisoo

Your Sister Irene and Tzuyu is here..And,why didnt you told me about your sisters,your sissy Tzuyu is my bestie-Karina

Oh really?..haha i was so busy so i didnt have any time to tell it..where are they?-Jisoo

They are outside,should i call them to go inside here?-Karina

ah,yes please-Jisoo


Karina called my sisters..Irene unnie and Tzuyu entered my cabin..i stood up from my seat and hug them

Awieeee..Unnie your so pretty-Tzuyu

Of course-Jisoo

Are you not getting bullied here?-Irene

oh..no not really unnie,the workers here are very nice-Jisoo

that's great-Irene

Irene unnie,this is Karina,my bestie in college but she stop studying in college because she has to help her brother in their company-Tzuyu

ahh..nice to meet you karina,i hope your brother doesnt abuse my sister-Irene

Ahh dont worry Irene unnie..jisoo unie is safe,i am always beside her,i will protect her from my brother-Karina

thank you-Irene

We girls are having a great conversation,when suddenly,Sana came inside my cabin without knocking..

Yah,why are you here?-Karina

Shut up bitch,i came here to tell to Kim fvcking Jisoo that you should resign in this company!your just a trash-Sana

Sana came infront of me and was about to slap me,but Irene unnie stopped her..

She is my sister,dont ever dare to touch her *death glare*-Irene

And who are you?!your just a sister not the boss-Sana

"I'm the boss,and you have no rights to ruin their conversation"

A man came and spoke..it was Mr.Jeon


Sana,why are you even here?-Jungkook

I came here to tell Jisoo that she should resign-Sana

She is my secretary,i am the one who should tell her if i will fire her or not-Jungkook

Sana was very angry and just left the scene..

Sorry for her attitude-Jungkook

Is she your girlfiend?-irene


then who is that bitch?-Irene

Irene unnie is so scary,even though sana is out of the scene,She is still death glaring to Jungkook

Sh-she is the one who always seduce me-Jungkook

tsk..and you like her seducing you-Karina

Tell to her that this is a company not a room that can flirt with someone-Irene

After that,Irene unnie and Tzuyu just left and told me to just go back home early..


My Cold Mafia Bossजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें