Chapter One

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Once upon a time Lucifer was God's favorite son. He always followed his father no matter what. He loved God more than anything. But then God created the human race, and he only showed his love and care towards the weak little humans. This angered Lucifer since he didn't understand how something so weak could take away his attention. This anger led to disobedience. Lucifer's disobedience then led to him falling from Heaven, and that was the start of the war.

I am the head warrior of Lucifer's army. The best of the best in Hell. I got involved in the war a century in after working my way up the ranks, and each battle I fought, me and my soldiers won.

It has now been 500 years since this war started. Both angels and demons have lost many soldiers during this time, but Lucifer and God are still determined to win their prize. The Human Realm. Unlike Heaven and Hell, the Human Realm is the only place unaffected by this war. Well, besides the few acts of wrath from either side that's caused hundreds or thousands of humans to die.

Why fight over a realm that is infested with humans? Because of the use of humans. While demons want to make them their servants, angels want to be the ones who serve them, making sure they live a long happy life. Honestly, a waste of time and effort.

Currently, the demons are losing to the goodie-two shoes angels. This is only happening because Lucifer let some imbecile ambush an angel army that was stopped near the border. Of course, that general wasn't prepared for their numbers and the angels wiped out almost all of the demon soldiers brought there. In my opinion Lucifer should've sent me. I could've gotten the job done with less soldiers and less casualties.

I tapped my fingers on the table out of frustration as I thought over my plan. Why is this frustrating? Because I have no plan.

I've been sitting in the dining hall for who knows how long scanning over Abaddon's report once more, looking for any other flaws I could've missed the first several times reading it. He's very vague when it comes to his reports.

Brought 50 demons, each with their own weapon. Came in from the west during the night. Miscalculated their numbers, they had at least 100 soldiers.

Very vague.

Doesn't say the weapons that were brought, their intended strategy for attack, or anything about the angels and their base. How am I supposed to work with this?

The door behind me creaked open, and heavy footsteps came my way.

"Having trouble there little demon?"


There is no difference between Abaddon and I but determination. He's my match in every area, but never my superior. Century's back we trained together with the same mentor, Lucifer.

Lucifer favored me more but at the same time treated me like I was a delicate flower. Even so, I loved to see the rage that filled his eyes each time I was praised. That's what gave me the strength to keep kicking his ass. I'm not saying I didn't get bruised or lose a few fights, but that never stopped me from pissing him off and wiping that smug look off his face.

"Are you ignoring me now? That's very mature of you," he said in a mocking tone.

I rolled my eyes at his intrusion. "What do you want Abaddon?"

"Awww is that any way to talk to your superior?"

"You and I both know you aren't my superior. Same rank, different title. Now buzz off, you're bothering me."

Ignoring me, as always, he snatched the report away from me and started reading it.

"My report?"

"Yes, your report," I replied, snatching the papers back. "No thanks to you we are falling to the losing side of this war. Now I'm trying to clean up your mess but this report is absolute shit. You really need to work on that."

"Someone's in a mood today. It's not my fault we were outnumbered."

"Seriously Abaddon? How dense could you be? You were in charge of the mission and those demons, so how is it not your fault? And you wonder why I'm the favorite."

His hands tightened into fists at my words. Molten anger rolled off him in waves. His pupils dilated into small slivers.

"What's wrong Dondon? Angel got your tong-"

In a swift motion his hand was wrapped around my throat. "Shut the hell up Raven. You may beat me in strategy, but I will always win in everything." He lifted me off the ground and moved me closer to him. "After all, why do you think Lucifer asked me to fight first? Maybe because he knew I had a better chance at it than you."

"Raven, Lucifer is ready to see you." A servant called for me, stopping our pre-fight.

Abaddon dropped me to the ground at the intrusion. I glared at him before facing the servant. "I'll be right there." He then bowed his head and walked off.

I stood and dusted myself off before facing Abaddon and smiling. "You may have been chosen first but Lucifer will always need me in the end. Unlike someone I know." Abaddon turned and stopped out of the room, more pissed than ever. Once he was gone I gathered the papers on the table and made my way out of the dining hall and to Lucifer's office.

When I approached the door, the servant who called for me was standing by it. When he noticed me he opened the door to guide me inside. We came to a stop in the middle of the room. Lucifer was sitting at his desk reading over what I assume are war reports. "My Lord, Krieger is here to see you." The servant then walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.

After a few moments he looked up from the papers in his hands, his red eyes meeting my green ones. "What is it Raven, you know better than to waste my time."

I kneeled down when he acknowledged me, bowing my head in submission and respect. "My Lord, I really think we should consider another ambush but this time under my command. I thought about the last ambush led by General Abaddon, and I believe I've come up with a plan that will assist us with the next ambush and assure us the win."

He sat in silence for a few moments, rubbing the stubble on his chin while he thought over my words. "Go on, Raven. Let's hear this plan of yours."

"General Abaddon's approach was to attack at night, going straight into the camp without any stealth. So, we would still attack at night, darkness being our cover, and sneak into their base to take them out one by one until we get to the main part of this mission, sending them to purgatory."

Lucifer set his papers to the side and leaned forward in his seat at my final words. "And how exactly are you going to do that?"

"I know a spell that will open a portal to purgatory. While the few demon soldiers are decreasing their numbers, I will be making a magic circle around their base. As soon as it's complete the spell will activate, sending everyone inside straight to purgatory never to return."

More moments of silence passed before he finally spoke, "What do think the success rate of this is?"

"I would say at least 75%."

"Alright off with you then. Start preparing for your mission now, and take whoever and whatever you need, you leave tonight. Be sure to bring back a victory or consider yourself demoted."

"Yes My Lord, I will not disappoint you."

I turned to start walking out of the room when Lucifer stopped me. "Oh and Raven? Be sure to turn in a detailed report. I'm getting so tired of looking over what I already know."

Word count: 1339

Prodigal Child

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