She is not going anywhere this time Jungkook came and said. What you said? She will be living in the mansion . And why will she be doing that? If you don’t want her dead then leave her here. Almost everyone knows about her and is pairing her with me. If she moves around freely one or the other day the kidnapping will be repeated and you don’t have the audacity to protect her. How can you say I can’t protect my own girlfriend? Junkook said.

Says the one who was himself fooled even after handing a theft of money to rescue Y/n with the help of guards. Jungkook said with a proud smirk on his face. How will you know that the guards you will be hiring are not the people of a mafia group ?

His point were stating facts and I couldn’t deny anyone of them and he was doing it for my own safety. Even if he kidnapped me it was because of their own problem but he was never obliged to protect me. He had his own reason but I was grateful after noticing a few change in him. At first he was stone cold but now he sometimes listens to me. She had put a few conditions and I will not treat her any bad also you can meet her whenever she want. Jungkook continued and I had nothing to say instead of supporting him.

Yeah he is right , it will better for everyone if I stay here. If I am involved in the mess so we have to be cautious. You also don’t believe me Y/n that I cannot protect you . He seemed hurt and he took the words in the other ways. I instantly replied to clear his misunderstanding. I didn’t mean to say that...I  am just saying that he knows more about what happens in here. I just don’t want any of us to be in danger.

I said trying to clear my point but instead he just walked out without uttering a word. Junkook…..Junkook...I felt hurt watching him behaving like a child , he is grown up but instead of understanding me he is throwing tantrums. I am trying to be calm but I should be the one to behave like this. Biting my inner cheek to the point it started bleeding and I could taste my own blood as I went towards my room. I stood on the window side inhaling the air in my lungs to calm myself down. Don’t think much Y/n , your intentions were good and he was the one to behave  . You should be productive and do something. I mumbled to myself.

Time skip;-

I did nothing and was doing nothing. What could I even do when I have nothing to engage myself with? The moon has taken over the sun but I didn’t step out of my room and I also haven’t slept the whole time. My thoughts were disturbed by a knock on the door. I opened it to see a flower bouquet flying in the air. How can a bouquet fly in the air? I saw someone standing behind it and the bouquet was so big that it almost covered him. He popped his head in front and smiled. Is he smiling and why is he smiling so adorably that if he won something?

What are these flowers for Jungkook? It’s for you. See these roses even if they have thorns they are smiling and attracting everyone towards them . Have you ever felt upset after seeing a rose ? You know why because they never show their vulnerable side to anyone. And just like that I want you to feel confident when you are not on the wrong side and keep smiling because it suits you. You are not obliged to make him understand everything , he is a grown up man so you don’t have to guide him everytime. Why are you ruining your mood because of that jerk?

He is saying the truth , why was I sulking? I should enjoy my time. My intention wasn't to make him feel that he couldn’t protect me, it was just the tricks these mafias plays. He was the one who was fooled but even after that he didn’t understand the whole time. Yeah , you are right. He handed me the flowers. They consisted of all the colours of roses, especially the lavender ones which is my favourite colour and I went and kept them inside. Thank you for the flowers. I thought he would go away after handing them to me.Is there something I am forgetting? I asked, scratching the back of my neck.

Don’t you want to have some dinner , you have already skipped lunch. I saw that today’s food is really tasty. Dont you wanna have some? To be honest I was literally hungry and listening to him made me more. He really knows how to make someone agree about anything he wants. It’s better to be a rose instead of being a thorn. I said and he understood what I meant. I moved forward and walked downstairs. As I was moving towards the dining table he grabbed my wrist and dragged me towards the television.

My eyes widened after seeing my favourite pizza kept on the side . along with my red sauce pasta. Have you prepared this? I asked, raising my eyebrow. Yeah you love these go and enjoy yourself , also your chocolate ice cream is kept in the refrigerator. he said. Really but wait are you not going to join me? He refused. You will be joining me otherwise I will not be eating anything. Do you want me to become fat eating all these and you will be skipping meals to be a fit muscle man?

Jungkook POV;-

I know this is a trait of hers to drag me with her and she really meant it when she said she won’t be eating. Instead of debating it’s better to eat it when it’s hot because at last she will drag me. Okay let’s eat. Her eyes lit up and she dragged me and sat with me. As soon as we sat down she came closer and closer and bent forward to pick up the remote from my side of the table. For once my heartbeat really stopped but now it’s stable. You should really watch this drama , it’s so good and the plot is really well made so we will be watching it together till it gets over.

Watching my zoned out state she shoved a pizza in my mouth. Close your big doe eyes and enjoy this pizza. It felt like she was ruling over me and I was at a loss of words. Watching her enjoying her food and drama , she was the example of living in the moment. People would have freaked out after knowing what threat they have upon themselves but she believed me and she is sure that I will protect her. I took out the phone which I intended to hand over to her since morning but never had the opportunity to. I took the phone and handed it to her.

What’s this? Your new phone. Really , thank you so much. She was gleaming out of happiness getting a new device. You don’t need to buy me this expensive phone. Don’t complain and keep it , it’s my way to apologise to keep you in that room for days without starving. She thought about something and saw me with puppy eyes.

You are doing these things with me , you motivated me when I was feeling down and also gave me a nice treat and now this. I don’t know what we have between us but you really changed yourself and I really appreciate it. So I want us to be friends. A friend can only do this. Are you in?

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