Chaos POV

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Chaos POV:

I stepped out of the portal after asking the commanders to come in with an entrance. I saw The Olympians. One by one I met their eyes. The Male gods like Zeus, Apollo and Poseidon had lust, fear and shock in their eyes. They were drooling too.

"Oh, stop drooling would you? "I asked

They nodded very fast because they knew I could easily defeat them.

I snorted mentally. As if I was going to give my virginity to them. I nodded in Artemis's direction. After meeting every goddess eyes, I met a beautiful sea green eyes, more beautiful than Poseidon's. I then noticed he had flecks of silver, black, and many more colors. I blushed in spite of myself. I then looked into his eyes carefully since if you were not careful you will fall into a trance looking at those beautiful eyes. I saw deep inside his eyes, there was a void of endless power. I sensed he had the power to just wave his hand and the universe will be destroyed and his power rivaled End himself. I saw the emotions in his eyes. Shockingly, there was no lust in them. It only had amusement and shock. I immediately fell for him. A man with power, handsome and loyal. 

"Uh.....wouldyouliketobemyboyfriend?" I asked him shyly and I was SWEAR THE GODDESSES LOOKED JEALOUS INCLUDING ARTEMIS EXCEPT HESTIA

"Um... I'm sorry but I'm not interested in you. I like someone else." He said apologetically

I was sure I looked a bit broken but I said

"It's fine. I understand. But don't think that will stop me from hounding you." Yes, I am going to hound him for life.

He paled a bit but still politely said "Alright Lady Chaos."

He asked where was my army. Dude you literally have a beautiful lady more than willing to give herself to you infront of you and all you do is ask where is her army. But I still said

"Oh, they are coming right now." And at that moment, the commanders did the entrance to shock them. Apparently, Omega/Perseus(Original Perseus) was not happy with him rejecting me. The rest had dumbfounded expressions. They probally won't introduce themselves so I did. 

"This is Omega, Leader of the army, Arrows, Star, Pranker, Angel, Forge, Beauty and Forgiven. " I said

Omega glared at the unknown name of the crush of mine. My crush obviously noticed this and was confused. He then searched the crowd and sighed. He then asked something even I wouldn't dare ask Omega when he is mad. 

"Why the Hades are you glaring at me?"

"I challenge you to a duel. If I win, you will get better weapons. If you lose, you date Lady Chaos." Omega growled. I was sure I blushed. Omega always was protective of me because I gave him a new home. But seriously don't embarrass me. Much to my shock, my crush accepted. I flashed everyone to the Arena to see the battle. Chiron said

"1, 2, 3, go"

I did not know who would win. If Omega was in his mad state like right now, even I would have a hard time defeating him. My army whispered

"His a goner. Omega can even defeat all the giants and titans at once." Forgiven or Ethan said.

"Well, give him a chance, won't you? I sense he has a lot of power." Star or Zoe said.

Omega immediately rushed him. He was sure he could defeat my crush? My crush immediately summoned a pure black sword and blocked Omega's strike. Omega went on the offense while my crush went on the defense. It seems like my crush's swordmanship matches Omega's.  My crush suddenly fumed angrily. I swear I saw Zoe flinch. My crush immediately went on the attack while Omega was forced into defense. My crush slashed faster than Omega. Eventually he disarmed him and Omega used his daggers in a icepick grip. My crush seems to know what would happen if he tried disarming him. He dodged a strike from Omega with such grace that you would of thought he was a wolf. He immediately forced Omega back into defense. He was quite good, and none of them used their powers yet. My crush broke one of Omega's daggers and disarmed the another. Omega did the last resort. He sent a ball of power into my crush. My crush got blasted back into the wall. The smoke prevented us from seeing whether he was fine or not. Suddenly 10 arrows sprouted from the smoke. Omega tried dodging them but only dodged 9 of them. Omega winced. My crush was truly powerful, managing to shoot 10 arrows at once. Then a really cold voice said

"You want power?" It sent shivers behind my back.

By the time this happened the smoke finally began to disappear. My crush blasted a ball of power that rivelled even mine. Omega got blasted back hard into the wall. Prankster or Luke, made to stand up but I dragged him down and said
"No, Luke you know this is a match. Do not disturb it."

"Are we just gonna stand here and watch our leader's ass kicked?" He demanded

"Yes, now shush." I said sternly and he shut up.

Omega finally got up. He growled a growl that would make Zeus run for his mama. Omega then sent a ball of his true power, which rivalled mine too. My crush gave a terrifying growl and used a finger to stop his ball. A FINGER? HOW STRONG IS HE?

"Who do you think you are?" He said coldly. He narrowed his eyes slightly then the Omega's ball of power broke. How? He extended his hand and Omega flew into his hand and his neck got holded tightly. 

"Do you yield?" My crush asked

"Yes...." Omega said with defeat in his voice.

He let him go. He said "I do not want any weapons from you. See you next time, Omega." He was as humble as fuck. He did not even mock him. He walked to Artemis. Does he have a death wish? But.. I see pride in Artemis's eyes? My crush smiled at her and I immediately felt jealous. My crush asked "Well, looks like I'm getting my proper spot for a guardian eh?" What? He is the Hunt's guardian? Gods damn it. Artemis probally owns him now. Don't care, still am going to get him in the end no matter the cost.

"Yes, you can" Artemis replied. My crush waved his hand and his throne rised beside Artemis's. He sat in it. Apparently, Ethan and the others were discussing about challenging him to a fight. 

"Uhm... After that... really embarrassing moment that Omega lost, I suggest we all fight him at once? Since Omega is the most powerful." Zoe said

My crush shrugged and said "Sure, why not?"

I flashed them all to the arena again. Artemis said "Percy, do not lose." So THATS my crush's name. 

Pranker, Forge and Forgiven charged at him with their weapons while Star, Arrows and Angel shot arrows at him. He easily dodged the arrows with such grace while fighting Pranker, Forge and Forgiven. He quickly disarmed Forge and kicked him back so hard he flew to the wall and got knocked out. He summoned his bow quickly and shot 10 arrows at Angel. She tried to dodge but got hit by them. He resummoned the black sword and blocked a strike from Forgiven and Pranker. He disarmed Forgiven quickly and knocked him unconscious. Pranker tried to use the disarming trick on him but that backfired because he disarmed him instead. He quickly knocked Pranker out. Star and Arrows rain down arrows at him. He quickly summoned his bow and shot the arrows midair. Star, Arrows and Percy started to exchange arrows at each other. Eventually he hit one of them, Star to be precise. Imagine her embarrasement of losing what she was good at. He then immediately overpowered Arrows with arrows. 

"I won" He said proudly and Artemis rolled her eyes. He waved and the commanders woke up

"We lost didnt we?" They asked

"Yup!" Percy said popping the p. Seriously, he is so cute I can't.

"Alright, take your seats, Im going to explain the universe." I said

"It all started from Beginning and End, they created Void, my father. Then Void created me and Order. Then I and my brother created the universe." I explained

"Oh. Okay. What am I supposed to do with this information?" Percy asked with a confused expression

I laughed and said "Well, that depends on you, Hero."

Sorry my dear readers for not updating. Just note that I'm very busy and won't quit this book. Might take some time to write though, writing isn't exactly easy. Thank you for understanding.

(1467 words including bold)

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