Chapter 9: A Second Childhood

Start from the beginning

Harry shook his head. This was a summer to never forget. He proceeded to wander the house a bit, please to see how Nodding and Blink had really cleaned up the place. The windows sparkled, the wall paper was stripped, and carpets replaced. You no longer had the feeling of 'dark wizard lives here' when entering a room. Harry walked into the parlor and saw Lupin sitting in a leather chair, reading the Daily Prophet.

"Moony – how are you doing?" Harry asked him. The graying man set his paper down and sighed a bit, gazing at him with tired looking eyes. Harry sat down in a chair next to him and could feel the sorrow radiating off the man.

"I'm hanging in, Harry. More importantly, how are you doing?" The werewolf searched his face.

Harry smiled sadly. "I really want to talk with you soon, some place private. I've been dealing with it, I suppose." Harry paused and took a shuddering breath. "At first I was really blaming my self, and I was scared you would blame me too…"

He didn't get a chance to finish what he was saying. Tears dripping down the tired face, Lupin jumped to his feet and knelt down in front of Harry. Grasping his hands, he barely choked out "Don't ever think that, Harry. I don't blame you. We all made mistakes, but it all boils down to Voldemort – he's the one to blame. Sirius was hot-headed and knew he was running into a trap. He wanted to be there for you."

The two embraced in an awkward hug, but both felt better. They shared a bit about favorite times with his godfather, and Harry, looking around, suddenly asked, "Moony, where is Hagrid? I didn't get my rock-cake from him this year."

The graying werewolf smiled. "Order business, Harry. He's fine last we heard."

After a bit more chatting, Harry excused himself from the room.

"I'd love to visit with Sirius right now" Harry thought to himself. "I also want to send a letter to Griphook".

At that moment Molly Weasley came from the kitchen with Ron. "Harry dear" she crooned, "I'm sorry we haven't had time to discuss this with you, but your godfather left us money to re-locate. I'm sure you agree the Burrow probably isn't safe anymore."

"Did you sell it?" Harry asked, his heart dropping. The Burrow was like home to him, even if Ron and Ginny weren't on his top 10 list of favorite people at the moment.

"No, dear" she continued, "but we have bought a new property. I'm taking the family with me, along with Nodding and Blink to help us move as quick as possible. I wish I could bring you and Hermione, but Dumbledore said the fewer people who know where we live, the better." Mrs. Weasley looked extremely unhappy as she explained the secrecy. "Try not to feel too left out or bored – Remus is here, and order members will be flooing in and out. And try not to abuse your ability to use magic here."

With that the red heads went back to the kitchen, grabbed a handful of floo powder, and disappeared.

Hermione came around the corner. She glanced around and tugged Harry up the stairs towards his bedroom. Making sure the coast was clear, he shut the door and charmed the room for the usual.

"What's up?" Harry smiled at Hermione.

"Well, I wanted to give you your real birthday present, but I have to give it to you in private"

Harry blushed and started thinking uncomfortable thoughts. Hermione noticed his flushed face and punched him in the arm.

"What are you thinking, Harry? Here!" And she reached under her sweater and handed him a small gift wrapped nicely.

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