-Chapter 19-

Beginne am Anfang

"Where we goin?"

"My friends room" I replied technically not lying

"Oh what's their name?" He said as we walked up to the door

"Uhhh" I said knocking

"Heyyyyy" Zonnique said opening the door

Sergio's jaw hit the floor as soon as he saw who was standing in front of him

"I love that shirt Sergio" Bahja said pointing to his Omg Girlz shirt I saw his eyes widen even more to the fact that she knew his name, I texted the girls earlier when we were in the mall so they were expecting him. I'm such a good friend

"Oh my God Kat you whore" He said pushing me laughing

I laughed then went inside, he gave all of them hugs and sat next to me I pulled out the bag of gifts then handed them theirs. A shirt for Zonnique that says 'Too Trendy' along with a matching bracelet

"I been lookin for this everywhere!!" Zonnique said slipping it on and giving me a hug "Thank you love!"

Army jacket for Bahja she's been dying for one of these since I got here, as soon as I pulled the jacket out the bag she jumped up and hugged me

"I love you so much!" she said putting it on posing

Bre didn't really talk about her favorites but I knew she liked Chanel so I got her Chanel number 5, I can't lie I got a bottle too.

"Oh my God thank you Kat!"  Bre said spaying it on her wrist

We chilled for a while, chill meaning Sergio getting to know the girls. Half an hour later we got bored so all of us headed over to the boys room, as we were walking over Sergio's phone rang Shakira -Objection as soon as he answered the phone a high pitched Mexican voice came through, I'm guessing it was his mom

"Ayy Ma ok ok!" Sergio said rolling his eyes ending the call "Bye guys, I gotta go sorry."

"Bye" We all said in unison giving him a hug

He left for the elevator as we continued on to the boys room

"What's Gucci?" Roc said opening the door and letting us in

"Yo!" We replied sitting down

"What y'all doin here?" Princeton said spotting us from the kitchen

"Well hello to you too, rude!" Bahja joked

"Chica sabes que quieres esta polla" (Girl you know you want this dick) Princeton said back leaving Bahja puzzled

"te deseo lo hizo" (You wish she did) I hissed back making Princeton cover his mouth, he forgot there was another Spanish speaker in the room

We laughed then looked back to everybody else in the room who were lost.

"What!?" Ray asked looking at us sideways

Everyone broke out laughing then let it go, I pulled out my gift bag and handed out the gifts

Misfit iPhone case for Princeton


OVO shirt for Roc

"Ayeeee thank you" He said followed by a hug

"Did you get me some tacos!?" Ray shouted before I could get his gift out

"No nigga" I said continuing to pull it out showing a stuffed Domo doll eating a taco

@_@ "Where da fuq you find this!!?" He asked hugging me

"Spencerrrrrs!" I replied sitting back in my seat pretending I had nothing left

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