-Chapter 12-

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Kat's P.O.V  { 3 weeks later}

          Me and Prods birthday had just passed 1 week ago, our birthdays only being 3 days apart. He went home to celebrate his birthday with his family and I went home to celebrate with mine. We only got to stay home for 1 week but it was enough cause I got to see my mommy! As soon as we got back to training everybody had a happy birthday/ welcome back surprise party waiting for us gifts and all including me and Prod getting gifts for each other. Close to a week after that I dropped another song called Run the show ft. Busta Rhymes {Song on side} to get ready for the tour. It was actually funny when the guys heard the song and heard me speaking Spanish they had no idea I was half Mexican thanks to my hood swag ;P . I wanted to go somewhere fun so I called everybody to meet me at laser tag...

{ Ultrazone Laser Tag 9:00pm}

Kat: Girls vs. Boys!!

Roc: You goin down!

Bahja: It's gonna be really sad when yall lose since where out numbered.

Diggy: By one!

Pam: Y'all still gone lose.

Jacob: We'll see about that.

Laser Tag Instructor: Ok guys welcome to Ultrazone, rule one is to have fun the second and last rule is to follow rule one. Girls are the red team Boys are the blue, pick your team colored vest and laser guns then follow me to the next room to get started. (crew gets suited up then follows instructor to next room) Ok I'm going to have you guys stand at your bases boys on the left girls to the right, when you hear the 1st bell you may start the game when you hear the 2nd bell your vest and guns will shut down letting you know the game is over, charging station for your guns are at your bases. To win the game you have to go to the opposite team and shoot the yellow blinking target at their bases + team members as many times as you can, which ever team has more shoots to their target and team members lose. If you get shot once you wil be put in the penalty box for 30 seconds. Alright your set I'll see you after the game (leaves room) (1st bell rings)

Princeton: Ahhhhhh

Bahja: Princeton stop being a little bitch!!

 After Prince was done being a little girl everybody split up Pam stayed at base so she could stop the boys from shooting our target. I stayed close to the wall so nobody could surprise attack me. Diggys dumbass was in the middle of the game room thinkin he in some damn Black ops, I shot him twice then hid behind a huge block. I peeked my head out to see his reaction but he wasn't there I came from behind the block to move to a different one closer to the boys base until I felt my hips being grabbed into the corner.

Prod: Haii baby

Kat: (whispers) Prod what the fuck you almost gave me a heart attack!

Prod: (sad puppy face) Sorry

Kat: (Kisses Prod) Ish ok, What are you doing here?

Prod: I've been here your just not very good at sneaking around.

Kat: Shut up. Oh babe guess what!?

Prod: What??

Kat: (shoots Prod then runs away)

 He had it coming sooner or later. -15 minutes later of the boys beating our ass-

I saw Bahja heading towards the boys base so I joined her for back up.

Bahja: (jumps) Oh Kat.

Kat: Yea let's go (walks behind Bahja)

Ray: (jumps out from corner) Say hello to my little friend!

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