"In that case, Adam will stay at the hotel. The hotel run by Charlie." Stolas said. "Are you sure about this?" Blitzo said. "Oh trust me blitzy. Its the only safe place I can think of. They care a little about her hotel." Stolas said. "You know your right. Sounds like a good idea. Loonie can stay with violet." Blitz said. 

"Hell yeah, we're gonna be roommates." Violet said. "Got that right." Loona and violet fist pumped. "Jimmy can be ether in the apartment, or with Millie's folks is fine by me ether way." Blitzo shrugs. "Me and Millie will play the role of guarding Jim." Moxxie said. "Mox is right. We'll make sure he's safe from anyone." Millie said. "Then its settled. We find you a new house, while we take care of the foster kiddies. For how many whatever days. And problem solved." Blitz said.

"But where will we go?" Diane asked. "I know one. There's a nice house for sale. A bit far from our foster house. But it looks perfect enough to live there. Luckily I can afford it." Drew suggested. "Does anyone has eyes on that house?" Diane asked. "Not from what I know of no." Drew replied. "Then we can make it work." Diane said. 

"Adam?" Octavia called. "Yeah?" He replied. "Be careful in the pride ring. I hear many things about it. Going to a place so dangerous makes me feel worried. Especially with the overlords making things more dangerous." Octavia said with worry. "The what?" Adam said with confusion. "Trust me, there are lines in the pride ring that shouldn't be crossed." Octavia said. "And to make things even hard for me. They may know about me cause I survived the demon purge. Who knows what they would want?" Adam said. "Ether way, Don't trust anyone but Charlie. She may be a princess of hell. But she's a very kind demon." Octavia said. 

"I met her, but we never interacted much." Adam said. "Then prepare to be asked some questions, and probably getting to know each other." Octavia said. "I guess so." Adam said. "Then you better go, before my mom gets here. She seems curious about ya." Octavia said. "Then she can keep it for herself. I rather not be talking with her, she looks like she can be very scary when she gets angry." Adam starts getting scared thinking about it. "Believe me, I seen her arguing, and yelling all the damn time. She can totally make anyone cower in fear." Octavia said. "And Jimmy rather not see her ether." Adam said.

"Yeah, Jim gets scared so easily sometimes. Too bad I never have time to do one myself." Octavia snickers. "Well, I better go. Take care of yourself Octavia." Adam goes to the van. "You too Adam." Octavia replied.   

Loona got off her phone, and Octavia looks at Jimmy. "Hey Jimmy." Loona and Octavia both said. They looked at each other for a bit. "You first, ill be in the van." Loona opened the van door, and went inside the van. Octavia went to Jimmy. "Hey, I got a question to ask." Octavia said. "Uh sure, go ahead." Jimmy said. "I'm about to leave cause of my mom. So I wanna ask if you like to hangout?" Octavia asked. Stolas, Bltizo, and everyone else gave a shocked look. 

"I mean, ok. Since you got limited amount of time to do so." Jimmy answered. "Cool, follow me." Octavia grabs his hand, and just takes him to the courtyard. "Hey hold on, we're on a time limit here." Blitzo said in annoyance. "Blitzy, just let my daughter have fun for a sec. Its not gonna be too long after all." Stolas said. Blitzo sighs. "Ok, ill let Jim Jim hang with a princess. While I sit and eventually become impatient." Blitzo went into the driver seat door. 

"Jimmy, I wanna ask you a favor. Its very important to me. But this is between you, me, and Adam. Ok?" Octavia said. "What do you want me to do?" Jim asked. "I'm gonna be Leaving cause my mom doesn't want to be around, well...my dad. Cause of that imp." Octavia said in a hint of anger. "What happened?" Jim asked. "I don't wanna talk about it. Anyway. Can you keep Adam safe? But don't jump to conclusions." Octavia said.

"Then why is Adam important to you?" Jimmy wondered. "Cause he's the reason what makes me fell less lonely, and lost. Ever since when I first saw him, I decided to play the role as a sister figure. I care about him like my own brother I never had. Knowing that he never had anyone to take care of him." Octavia said. 

"Well, he does now. There's me, Violet, Drew, and Diane. He's at an age where he's not a weak little kid." Jimmy said. "True, but there's something odd about him. His soul is struggling to control light, and darkness. Balance is keeping it from things spiraling out of control thanks to the scale." Octavia said. "Don't worry, we will  lookout for him." Jimmy said. Octavia puts on a smile. "Thanks Jim." Octavia hugs jimmy. "Tell anyone about this, and your gonna see something scarier then my dad." Octavia warned. "Crossing my heart." Jim said in an instant. "And hope you don't die. Come on let's not keep them waiting." Octavia said. 

Jimmy gets in the left side of the van, and is sitting next to Millie. While Moxxie is in the middle. "Do come again Blitzy." Stolas cooed. Earning some snicker from violet. "Can you not say that in front everyone? Especially when we got the living in the van." Blitz said to himself. He turns the engine on, and drives off. 

Blitz drives all the way to the wraith ring to drop off Jimmy first, and parked at the house were Millie's parents live. "MNM keep jimbo save for now until things gets resolved." Blitz said. "Will do blitz." Millie said. And Blitzo drives off. "Jim." Millie called. "What?" He responds. "I think its time we shape you up. Were gonna teach you how to fight, like a boss." Millie said. "Wait what?" I can't do that? I can only think, not fight. I'm not a fighter." Jimmy said. 

"Don't worry hon. Me and my folks will help ya out. And maybe Moxxie will help you how to use some arms. Right honey?" Millie said. "You got it baby. But what do you mean about arms?" Moxxie wondered. "The guns?" Millie said. "Oh yeah, Definitely. You will likely, and definitely likely. To come across demons using guns. And I will be happy how to help you out with it." Moxxie said. "Come on Jim, let's get ya ready." Millie said. 

Meanwhile, on earth 

At college, henry got back from shopping at a convince store. When he is going to the direction where college is. "Hello handsome." Henry stops in his tracks.  In the center of the street light. Knowing that voice too well. He turns round to see its that pop star demon. Verosika. Coming out from the shadows of the night. "How about we take a nice, long, walk?" Henry gulps in fear, knowing he's in a situation that he won't be able to escape this time.                         

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