Chapter 51: Harper

Start from the beginning

Technically not wrong.

Double-penetrator chirped up, "I hated him with Brittany but the pictures she used to share! Ahh, so fucking hot."

"Hmm..." I hummed as they all blinked at me with an identically blank expression. I pasted as polite of a smile as possible and wished them, "Have fun."

While their lack of recognition assured me my identity was still safely unknown, the flurry of whispers that hissed after me spurned a flicker of doubt within me as I walked away.

Rest of the games I'm wearing a gorilla mask. Or a paper bag.

I shook the exchange out of my head as I walked up to the arched entrance that now felt familiar. By the time I bought a bottle of water at a Grilled concession stand near Section 110, wrinkled my nose at their garlic fries, and walked to Section 113B, Jake's mom stood outside the section's entrance. Her chin was tipped down and she typed at her phone but lifted her head as I approached.

"Harper!" Her voice and hug greeted me warmly.

"No luggage?" I pointed out the obvious.

"Traveled light." She released me with a smile and patted the giant purse under her arm. "I'm heading back afterwards."

"Jake is taking -" I started when her hands flew to her cheeks at the distinctive purple Huskies jersey that stood twenty rows down and near our seats. Her long, straight dark hair covered the name and number on the back but we both knew who it was.

"Ellie!!" Mrs. Harrison screamed out so loudly that my nearest ear stung.

While I jokingly rubbed a finger in it, my eyes tracked Ellie's reaction. She turned around and her polite smile morphed with her eyes into a round shape. Silently, her hands clamped over her mouth while she watched as we approached.

"Mom!? Oh gosh, you're... here!" Ellie exclaimed and hugged her Mom tightly. "Why are you here?"

"Harper convinced me I should make the effort for Jake's home games." Mrs. Harrison pulled back and offered me a smile. I lifted one hand and wiggled my fingers at Ellie's surprised eyes.

"Wait, so when we talked on the phone last weekend..." Ellie spoke to her mom but looked at me. Her eyes narrowed as she pieced together what I hoped she hadn't, her decoy services.

"When I was at dinner with her and Jake," Mrs. H. gushed out and patted one palm onto my closest shoulder. "Harper also brought up how I really need to try and visit you more, I'm sorry Ellie."

Ellie shot me a 'So that was your motive look,' which I promptly returned with a 'Sucks when someone meddles into your life, huh?' smile. I gave her credit for the amount of control she exercised in her cool response, "Let's just get through the football season one game at a time and figure things out after it's over."

My shoulders lifted up then dropped. "Works for me."

"Good plan." Mrs. Harrison nodded, then shifted her eyes towards mine. "Does that mean I'll see you here next week against Cal?"

"Sure. It really isn't a problem driving to LAX to pick you up if that's easier," I reminded her. "Depending on how deep that bag goes, I'm assuming Jake's house suffers from your lack of food whenever you fly."

"Those boys are eating just fine." Ellie snorted softly but clamped her hand over her mouth like she'd discovered a secret.

Why the hell is she looking at me like she knows something I don't?

Her reaction earned her a raised eyebrow from me. "What?"

"Nothing." She offered a fleeting smile, so I waved my hand for a further explanation. "Except... Seen his house, huh?"

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