Chapter 1

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Remington sings softly to herself as she drives, watching the scenery go by out of the corner of her eye

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Remington sings softly to herself as she drives, watching the scenery go by out of the corner of her eye.

The neat buildings and the welcoming palm trees of Santa Monica, California. Much different than Phoenix, but her new home, nonetheless.

The twenty-two year old never thought she would be moving, especially by herself. But it's hard to get a writing job fresh out of college. So when an opportunity presented itself, she took it.

Remington's decision actually seems to be a pretty good one so far. The six-hour drive was grueling at times, but her music and the gorgeous view definitely made it tolerable. Now that she's almost there, she's feeling upbeat and optimistic.

This will be good for her.

But that thought is instantly pushed out of her mind when she sees smoke coming from the hood of her car.

"What the fuck?" She mutters to herself, instantly pulling over on the side of the road.

Remington groans, instantly turning the engine off. She doesn't know jack shit about cars, but her older brother always told her that if it's smoking, turn it off as soon as possible.

Speaking of Darius, she should probably give him a call. She takes her phone out of the holder on her dashboard, finding his number and calling it.

"C'mon pick up, pick up.."

Of course, he does not.

"This is just great." Remington mutters to herself, getting out the car and walking to the front of it. She experimentally presses a finger to the hood, instantly yanking it away when she feels how hot it is.

Her vehicle is most definitely overheating. She doesn't need to be a car fanatic to know that.

The young woman leans up against the driver's side door with a pout on her lips. Here she is, stuck on the side of the road in an unfamiliar state by herself. And it's starting to get dark.

What a great fresh start, huh?

"Need some help?" Her gaze flickers from the sky down to a car rolling by in front of her. A young man with pink hair pokes his head out the open window, a friendly smile on his lips.

"Do you know anything about cars?" She calls back, crossing her arms in front of her chest. Remington doesn't particularly have trust in strangers. But right now, she's in a situation where she doesn't have much of a choice.

"I don't, but he does." He nods his head towards the person in the driver's seat. Remington can't see much of him besides his long, dark hair.

Nonetheless, she nods. "Okay, yeah. I would appreciate it."

"Cool!" Within a few moments, the car has pulled over in front of hers.

The pink haired man steps out first, approaching her confidently. Remington deems him to be harmless enough. At least so far.

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