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Barnabus kept his sister close while walking to the Collins Mansion, Only to find it wasn't a Mansion anymore but run down...

Barnabus to a quick look at it before spying a man walking around the garden, drunk.

"You there, drunkie!" Barnabus called to the man.

"what are ya doin' 'ere" he said in a strange voice. Briar was growing impatient because of the cold and after all her clothes weren't the best for cold weather. Barnabus sensed this and hurried up the process. He swiftly grabbed his sister and walked up to the man, Briar had a smile plastered on her face. Though she was cold she was still happy.

Barnabus waved his hand in a wavy motion in front of the man's face. 

"Look into my eyes....and deliver me your innermost thoughts...." Barnabus said in a hypnotic tone. The groundskeeper closed his eyes and snored as if her was sleeping. Barnabus slapped him with the palm of his hand on the groundskeeper's forehead. "Awaken!" The man shot awake looking at Barn bus eyes wide. 

"Well done. Now, tell us the Collins family do they endure..."

"uhyeah....there's four of 'em..."

"thank heaven..." Briar and Barnabus said at once

"what month is it?..." Barnabus continued

"October...that's why there's pumpkins..."he said still in a trance

"what is the year?" Briar asked the question this time curious of how long they were buried.

"1972..." he responded without hesitating his words

"1972..." Barnabus repeated before waving his hand in the mans face once more.

"hear me future dweller... You shall be our loyal servant, until such time I release you..." Barnabus pulled his hand away swiftly.

"So, what first masters?" Barnabus ordered the man to clean them of the blood on their clothes.


After a few minutes the entered the mansion.

Barnabus's eye's gleamed with joy, Briar's eye's filled with curiosity from the sight she had seen outside she had seen a red hair woman standing in the window her back facing it. Who was she? Thought Briar before her thoughts were disturbed by her brothers voice, explaining the features of the house like he had never left.

"that chandelier sculpted entirely from the most exquisite Carrara marble, from D'italia..." Barnabus strutted his way to the fire place touching the seahorse sculpture and booping it as he continued.

"each joint containing a pearl..." Barnabus said with a growly voice. Barnabus turned to the little boy on the ground and the teenage girl on the couch.

"Are you two stoned or something?..." the girl said squatting her eyes at the pale vampire.

"they tried stoning us,my dear...it did not work..." Barnabus responded then turned to the groundskeeper and asked.

"when did they start letting women of the night on this state crown..."the groundskeeper did not have time to respond before the little boy tapped the girl, and pointed to the picture above the fire place.

"ah, yes! Uncanny is it not? Worth every hour we spent posing...forgive us our names are Briar and Barnabus Collins..." Briar said with a smiling that caused both children to slightly blush at the woman's beauty.

"Children!" a woman's voice rang from above the stairs, the siblings and children turned to the woman walking down the stairs.

"Get away from that man!" she continued as she got closer and closer to the children.

𝔸𝕝𝕨𝕒𝕪𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝔽𝕠𝕣𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now