"Do you think I'm afraid?" She asked.

"You should be" Kory said. "I am."

Blackfire and I exchanged looks as I nodded.

"I'm ready" she said.

I held my hands up as they began to glow.

"Me too" Rachel said.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Kory said.

Rachel closed her eyes while holding her hands out. The dark cloud from her body began glowing slightly purple as she screamed out.

"Rachel. Rachel are you okay?" Kory asked.

"No!" She yelled.

I looked at Blackfire before green psionic beams left my palms and into the pit. She did the same with her fire as Kory created a sort of field around the pit holding it into a ball. Blackfire stumbled back as the fire went back into her body. I walked closely behind Kory as we went to the surface.

"Okay, we have one chance at this" she said.

She threw the ball up to the sky as it instantly turned purple. It began thundering with lightning hitting buildings nearby.

"Oh no" she said. "I knew we forgot about something."

"What!" Blackfire said.

A lightning bolt nearly hit her as Kory responded.

"The Lazarus Pit isn't gonna do much good if we burn the city to the ground" she said.

"I'm on it" Donna said walking up.

"Hell no" I said. "You're gonna get yourself killed. Again."

"You know what they say about lightning" she said.

She took out her lasso throwing it to the sky as she absorbed the lightning from the sky. I smiled as it began to rain.

"Purple rain" Rachel said.

"You know there's a song called Purple Rain" I said. "The man who sings it lived in Minnesota. I got to visit his house once."

She turned smiling. At the manor I looked around at the mess Crane had made. A figure stood at the end of the hall staring out the window.

"I never hated you" I said.

"You should've" Jason said.

"But I didn't" I said. "I'm sorry for not fighting hard enough on your behalf. I never imagined anything would end up this way. I know you haven't known me for very long but I've known you long enough to know you were never bad just misunderstood."

"I killed a lot of people" he said. "I can't come back from that."

"After I left the Titans and moved to Minneapolis, I thought it would be a fresh start" I said. "But I had a lot of hate in me. I tried to go to therapy, I even tried journaling but the hate won. I hated myself for not being able to save my dad or Garth. I went on a killing spree all around Minnesota. I thought it would help but it didn't. I have to live with that the rest of my life, I can't bring them back. I have to move forward, you have to move forward."

He looked down as I walked towards him.

"I know you don't plan on staying" I said. "But if you need someone, I'll always be there for you, Jason."

I smiled before walking away. I walked into Dick as he crashed his lips onto mine.

"Knew you'd come back" he said as we pulled apart.

"Well, Garth wasn't going to let me stay over there" I smiled.

"Airport at ten" he said.

"Got it" I winked.

I walked outside smiling at Tommy.

"You ever been to San Francisco?" I asked.

"Nope" he said.

"You, my dear brother, are now officially apart of the Titans" I said. "Fuck the Avengers."

He laughed shaking his head.

"Time to take you to your new home" I said.

I wrapped my arm around his shoulder smiling. I transported us to the airport as Tommy sped around. I closed my eyes as Kory paced back and forth.

"He said ten o'clock right?" She asked.

"He said ten" Conner said.

I turned around as a bus honked.

I smiled as Dick waved from the driver seat. He hopped out of the RV smiling.

"Hey, Dick, what is that?" Rachel asked.

"That's an RV" he said pointing to it. "Figured it would be way more fun than taking Bruce's jet."

"Road trip!" Gar said running onto the RV.

"Right because who would want to fly in the bat jet?" Rachel asked smiling.

Tommy followed Gar onto the RV as I smiled walking to Donna.

"Something tells me you're not coming with us" I said.

"You always read me better than everybody else" she said.

"Give Dawn my best" I said.

"Will do" she said.

I grabbed her body smiling.

"Always a call away" I said.

"I know" she said.

"Love you, Donna" I said.

"Love you too, Liv" she smiled.

"I got a good idea" Dick said. "Let's get the hell out of Gotham."

"Sounds a plan to me" I said walking towards him.

I turned around looking at Tim.

"You coming?" I asked.

"Are you serious?" He asked.

"Are you?" I smiled.

"You got some nice moves but you need proper training" Dick said. "If you're up for it."

Tim smiled walking in between us and onto the RV. Dick held his arm out as I got onto the RV looking at Tommy and Gar looking through everything.

"We have one more stop before San Francisco" Dick said getting on. "And then wedding time."

"Wait what?" I said.

"Told you after all of this, I would give you a proper wedding" he said.

I looked at Kory who smiled.

Love in the Night | Dick GraysonWhere stories live. Discover now