Chapter 9 - Only Love Can Break The Spell

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It took some time for Ladybug to realise what just happened. She had crashed to the ground the moment Chat had pushed her away. She hadn't even had time to react. Dark Venus had been too fast. It had been just a blink of an eye of insecurity and the villain had instantly caught on the chance and shot her arrow at Ladybug.

But Chat Noir had saved her. He had pushed her away and now he was the one who had got shot.

Instead of her.

She saw everything that happened after like it was in slow motion:

Chat's relieved look when he saw that he had successfully saved his lady.

The shot.

The pain appearing on his face.

His lips turning black.

Chat Noir's hateful look when he glanced at her.

Chat grabbing his sword as he stood up.

His weapon pointing at Ladybug.

This is bad. This is really bad!

Ladybug immediately got up and pulled out her yoyo. She began to slowly step back - holding her hands up.

"Kitty, look at me! Please, fight! It's just a spell, it's not real!" she exclaimed.

She needed to get Chat back! She could not defeat the akuma without him!

But it was like he didn't hear a word. He glanced at Ladybug but his look..

The look on his face broke her heart. There was no love, no kindness in those glowing green eyes.

It was pure hatred.

Towards her.

Towards his lady.

No! She can not think this way! It is just the akuma's spell that controlls him. His feelings aren't real!

"You really think that you can defeat me with that pure excuse of a weapon, Ladybug?" he scoffed - the word "Ladybug" left his lips with disgust. "I've always thought that you're too weak to be a hero! And look, I was damn right!" he shouted and ran towards her.

It took all of Ladybug's strength not to break into tears after hearing those words. Chat, or rather the akuma's impact on him, knew exactly how to break her.

No! She couldn't let the akuma win! Not like this!

She began to back away, not breaking the eye contact between her and Chat Noir. When Chat reached her, he held up his sword and attacked her. Just in time, Ladybug blocked his shot and caught his sword with her yoyo.

Chat, knowing her tactics and moves too well, escaped from her hold instantly and attacked her again and again.

From the distance, Ladybug could hear Dark Venus' laugh. She thought it was over for the heroes.

"She's wrong! I won't give up so easily! This bug won't let Hawkmoth win tonight! Not like this!" she thought as she blocked all of Chat Noir's slashes towards her.

She needed a plan immediately. She knew that Dark Venus could shoot her too at any moment so she had to pay attention not only to Chat Noir but to the villain too. Although, the bigger problem was Kitty. They had had several trainings together before in order to strengthen their powers and get to know each other better. It had been pretty helpful for both of them - and not just because they could have spent more time together this way.

But, now it made Ladybug vulnerable as Chat knew all of her moves exactly.

A sudden pain brought her back. Chat Noir successfully slashed her with his sword, leaving a sharp pain on her leg. Thanks to their suits, they were invulnerable but they could still feel it like it was real.

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