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The bunker beneath the Temple of the Saved was well-protected and well-hidden. The haven's authority figures had no idea it existed—and even if they did, they had no authority to enter without probable cause or a warrant. That's why it was one of the most secure places in Safe Haven, and why Veronika hated staying it in while her fellow Crusaders protected the temple above.

The so-called "chosen one" of the Saved tapped her foot impatiently as the sounds of fighting echoed from above. The Faithful had infiltrated the temple for reasons as of yet unknown to Veronika, but despite their deadly tendrils, they were having little luck gaining ground against the well-equipped Crusaders.

Nevertheless, Veronika still worried for her "family". I should be up there with them, she thought fretfully. Why did Leeson tell me to stay down here? Does he think I'm of no use in a full-fledged battle?

Gradually, the noise upstairs died down before fading entirely. Still, Veronika held her position, knowing that silence didn't necessarily mean victory. However, she needn't have hesitated, for moments later, the door to the bunker was unlocked and thrown open, revealing a weary-but-smiling Disciple. "Lady Veronika!" he cried. "We have emerged triumphant!"

Veronika stood up quickly, grinning. "Excellent! Are zere any casualties?"

The Disciple shook his head, his smile widening. "No, milady. It was a complete and total victory!"


Veronika entered the sanctuary—which was already being repaired by a large group of dutiful Crusaders—and headed over to Leeson, who was conversing agitatedly with a couple of Elders. "...second time since the Purge," Leeson was hissing, his trademark grin surprisingly absent. "Is this about territory? A simple grudge?"

"No, Apostle," one of the Elders rasped. "The purpose of these attacks seems to run far deeper than that."

Leeson let out a strained growl and rubbed his temples. "Has the Guiding Light revealed any new guidance to you?"

"Unfortunately, she has not," the Elder said in a regretful tone. "But we continue to pray and hope."

"Bruder Leeson?"

Leeson turned in surprise and quickly plastered a grin onto his face when he saw Veronika approaching. "Ah! Our great Devourer," he greeted her. "Thank you for standing by in the bunker. Your mere presence was an undeniable boon to our Crusaders during this battle!"

"Your gratitude is appreciated, Bruder," Veronika replied with a hesitant nod. "However, I am still vondering vhy you did not let me participate in taking up arms alongside my bruders and sisters."

"Oh. I apologize," Leeson said, clasping his hands together. "We were in quite a rush to hide you from those brutes, but I suppose I have time to explain now." He gestured to one of the pews on the front row, sitting down next to Veronika as she took a seat. "You see," he began, "you, like your brother, are part Primordial. Therefore, you have a Primordial side that could be awakened, and according to what we learned from the reports on the Convergence, Cthylla could very well awaken it via cerebral stimulation."

"I am vell avare of zat," Veronika replied coolly.

Leeson hesitated. "You—you are?" he asked, surprised.

"Yes. I haff been in tune vis my Primordial half—ze Devourer, if you vill—since I vas a child," Veronika told him. "Ve are vun being, of vun mind, regardless of avakening. I am not a liability in ze field; on ze contrary, I am an asset, as ze Faithful vill focus zeir efforts on capturing me—an exercise in futility—leaving zem open to our attacks."

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