"We're fuck buddies, but you could say we're close." James looked up and saw Elijah with Oliver in the doorway. James flushed brightly and moved away from Marcos more. "I'm sorry I didn't hear you come in." Elijah just chuckled and made his way over. James had to look away as he couldn't meet their gaze. They just announced they are fuck buddies and this made James feel embarrassed. It's their choice but saying it out loud sounds weird. James felt someone grab his chin and lift it and he was face to face with Elijah. His blue eyes met James'. 

"It's nothing to be ashamed of. It's our life so we don't care what you think really." the young man just nodded his head and looked at Elijah more. "Anyway, we will be in the living room to watch a movie." Elijah then smiled at Marcos and left the bathroom, Oliver right behind him. James sighed as his blush-coated face started to lower. "That's something you have to get used to. You chose to stay so we can do what we like, of course, we'll try to be nice." James nodded his head in understanding. He knew that it wasn't going to be easy but he could get used to this, better than living on the streets or worse in a prison. "It's fine, this is your house, and you should be able to do whatever you want. I'm a guest and I should respect that." Marcos smirked and continued to wash his back. After a few minutes, they finished the bath put on their clothes, making their way to the living room. 

Elijah, Oliver, and Sebastian were all seated on the couch, the lights were dimmed and hot cocoa was placed on the coffee table. Marcos sat on the couch and James stood there awkwardly for a little while until his arm was grabbed and he was pulled down onto the sofa, he was handed the TV remote, and the guys rolled their eyes. 

The younger man quickly browsed through Netflix and decided on watching a horror movie. He felt courageous and wanted to watch a horror movie, so he picked Anabelle, but he quickly realized he made a huge mistake as he was curled up into a ball and the film wasn't even halfway through. When a big jump scare came up he grasped Elijah's hand tightly. He heard a wince and saw that he dug his nails into his forearm. James froze and quickly let go apologizing to Elijah who just chuckled. After a while, James settled down and leaned his head against Elijah's chest as he watched the rest of the movie. The three of them seemed unfazed by the movie and James felt like a wimp. Let's just say by the time the movie ended he was shaking and hiding under the covers. He heard a chuckle as Elijah pulled him from under the blanket. "Come on it wasn't that scary." 

The guy laughed and his face flushed red. He quickly pulled away from Elijah and looked away, crossing his arms. He saw Sebastian get up and collect the cups making his way to the kitchen and turning the lights on in the process. "Alright, it's already half-past-eleven and I have to wake up early tomorrow so I'm heading to bed. Stay as long as you want." On that note Oliver got up and was followed by Sebastian who gave a kiss to Elijah and Marcos, smirking at James. He made his way up the stairs behind Oliver. It was now just him, Elijah and Marcos and they were both sitting on either side of him. Marcos picked up the remote and flicked through Netflix, looking for the next thing to watch. 

James leaned his whole body against the couch as he waited for him to pick something. It was kind of awkward but felt nice in a way. They weren't yelling at him or hurting him, they were like friends during a sleepover, looking through movies to watch, a little bit awkward but exciting.

James waited and waited but Marcos was indecisive so he snatched the remote from the older and pressed the first thing he saw, not caring what it was. Marcos gave a glare but leaned against the couch too, Elijah laughing at the man. As the movie started it seemed interesting and as it progressed it got better. The movie was called 'Wish You and it was a Korean Boy Love drama. James was so into the movie, it was just amazing, the characters were nice and he was invested in the movie. By the time it ended, he was bawling his eyes out from happiness. Marcos didn't find the appeal in it but chuckled. James wiped away his tears, after a while, he got up from the couch and looked away. "I'm tired, so I'm going to go to bed, goodnight!" With that he ran up the stairs towards his room, shutting the door and locking it once he got inside. He sighed deeply, his heart beating fast. He looked around and saw that the room was cleaned up again, his stuff was replaced with new ones as the others he broke during his rage. He sighed making his way to the bed, plopping face first into the pillow. He doesn't know when he fell asleep but he was out instantly. 

James lay twisting and turning as a nightmare plagued his dreams. The doll from the movie haunting his dreams, after a while of twisting and turning he jolted awake, his breathing harsh. Sweat was dripping down his face as he breathed hard, his eyes watering grasping the bed sheets. He choked out a quiet sob and only after a few minutes recollected himself and got off the bed, making his way towards the door. The hallway was dark and all the lights were off. He slowly made his way down the hallway towards their bedrooms, once he got to Marcos's door he knocked but got no response for a while so he decided to head back.

'He must be sleeping by now, why did I even come here? What will he do, it was just a nightmare. He could care less about my shit!'

As he turned to walk back the door opened and James looked back. "James, you alright?" It was Oliver and James stared for a while. He knew they slept together, knew they were fuck buddies but had no idea they slept in the same room. For a minute he thought he got the wrong door but no it was Marcos's room. James played with the hem of his shirt, biting his lip. He didn't mean to wake him up, he still felt scared around Oliver but it was getting better. "I'm so sorry for waking y-you up, I just, um." He couldn't get his words out, his eyes were still puffy from crying. Oliver got out of the room and moved towards James in the hallway. James got scared, afraid that the man was mad at him, cowering. Oliver slowly grabbed his chin and looked into his eyes. "Have you been crying?" His voice was neutral but sounded a bit annoyed. James bit his lip once more and then more tears fell down his cheeks. He felt embarrassed and pathetic, of course, they wouldn't care. It was a fucking nightmare and it felt so degrading, why did he come here anyways? He had no idea. 

"I just, I had a bad dream. It's nothing." Oliver sighed and pulled him into a hug. He didn't say anything just ran his hand through James' hair. James broke down and latched onto Oliver crying. He doesn't know why he was crying, he just felt so deprived of love and the fact that this man was shadowing some sort of comfort made him break down.

He sobbed out the nightmare to Oliver who listened stroking his hair, trying to calm the younger man down, after James finished his story he felt hands around his hips and someone picked him up from the ground and he jumped up in surprise. He looked back and saw Sebastian who came out of the bathroom. He must have overheard their conversation and James felt even more humiliated as Sebastian gave Oliver a smirk. He then picked James up bridal style and brought him into Marcos's room, Oliver closing the door after himself. The night lamp was on and on the bed laid Elijah and Marcos who were sound asleep. Sebastian made his way over to the bed and placed him next to Marcos, who quickly latched onto him, spooning him. He flushed as Sebastian and Oliver made their way onto the Alaskan king-sized bed, Oliver turned the night lamp off and lay down next to Elijah, Sebastian lay next to James and kissed him on the nose. The younger man was red as he looked at the situation. They were all cramped in Marcos's room with a huge ass bed. It seemed that this was a regular thing for them so he didn't know what to say, keeping quiet.

"Go to sleep, James." 

If it wasn't for the lights being off you could see his fully flushed face and he was so glad that the lights were off or he wouldn't be able to face them again, Sebastian pressed against his side and James froze up a bit. The man still scared the living shit out of James but right now he felt comfortable as he leaned closer to his touch. His eyes started feeling droopy and just like that he was falling asleep, the last thing he remembers is someone saying 'good night' before his eyes shut tightly and he was out faster than the light, hugging Marcos.

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