Niall Horan was spotted at Trafalgar Square first by Directioners (that is what the fans of One Direction called themselves) and there he seemed to be looking or waiting for someone.

"Niall arrived at Trafalgar when me and my friends were taking a picture of the giant blue rooster. He was looking around, scanning the area for something or somebody. He left when paparazzi started turning up." Charlotte Dayes told us.

Later, he made his way to London Selfridges, where he hurried up to the second floor. We lost track of him for a while there, but then we saw him hidden in a rack of man suits in the Hugo Boss department of the famous gallery.

"I didn't know he was hidden somewhere in my store, nor did my employees. I only found him when I saw flashes I light and saw him running out." Henry Stuttgard testifies.

What is up with Niall Horan? We will keep you posted!

I closed the magazine and started thinking. I didn't tell Henry about my little chat with Niall because I felt like it was private. I wondered wether he was really looking for me out there, at Trafalgar. I still had a huge crush on him and I mentally slapped myself for not being present then.

"What. The. Fuck." Ella said suddenly, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"What is wrong?" I followed her gaze and believe it or not, when
you speak of the devil, or in this case think of the devil, you see its tail.

"Is that Niall James Horan?!" Mila was waving her hands in front of her face to make herself calm down.

"Oh great lord!" I said, standing up and I started running towards him.

"NAOMI! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Mila and Ella screamed after me and that seemed to have caught Niall's attention. He turned around and caught me just in time because I had been so stupid to trip over a little rock in the ground.

"Hi." I whispered, meeting his aqua blue eyes.

"Naomi?" He asked, looking puzzled.

"Yes. You remember my name?" I asked, surprised.

"You remember my name too." He smirked at me and I laughed, wiping the sand off of my trousers while standing up.

"My friends spotted you." I smiled and pointed at them.

"Oh, okay." He laughed and waved at them. I saw Mila making a move as if she was going to faint and Ella had to put her hands in front of her mouth to stop screaming.

"Okay so, why did you decide to fall for me?" Niall wiggled his eyebrows and had a playful smirk playing on his lips.

I flushed.

"I did not fall for you, Horan. I am sorry but I tripped."

"That is the stupidest excuse ever." He laughed and I blushed because I was the reason behind that.

"Well, I am sorry I have to say this but it is really true. I tripped and you caught me, end of story." I said.

"Okay then, whatever you say. Why did you run to me then?" He asked.

"Well, I was actually just thinking about you because I read this article-"

"Don't believe anything they say!" He interrupted me furiously, rummaging through his blonde locks with one hand.

"I don't, but I was just thinking about how abrupt we had to say goodbye to each other then, I wanted to say sorry for that." I smiled apologetically.

"Apology accepted. I am sorry I was so short tempered about the whole Trafalgar Square thing." He blushed.

"It's fine." I smiled and he smiled back.

"So, why are you here at the beach with this weather, in February?" He was laughing again.

"I don't know, it just appeared in my mind and I had a day of so yeah. I also had to take Mila's mind off of things." I shrugged.

"Can I help maybe?" He asked. I smiled

"You know the Five Seconds Of Summer boys, right? Well, Mila met Ashton and they became friends but Mila felt more towards him than jut friendship but then they got into a huge fight over nothing really and he kissed her and just disappeared." I explained.

"What? I do not get girls sometimes." He shook his head.

"Can you maybe call him?" I asked.

"I'll try, it has been long but I don't think he changed his number." Niall shrugged.

"Thank you! And also, Ella here has a crush on Harry, you might want to tell him too? Otherwise they won't ever get together. I have the feeling they both want to but they are way to scared." I smiled.

"Okay, only one condition: give me your phone number." Niall dared to ask.


Authors note

Thank you for reading! I think there are going to be like 8 more chapters and an epilogue! I hope you like this story as much as I like writing it!

QOTC: this is for the PLL watchers: who do you think is A? Or who is in the A team? I personally have NO clue.

Loads of love, xxx

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