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Finally out of nowhere, right before Davids birthday, he took me out to dinner at a restaurant called P.F Chang's.
That night he asked me to be his girlfriend, officially.
It was so unexpected because I wasn't sure I was ready, but I said "Yes".

"Finally" I thought.

I probably should have known better than to use my old tactics from past relationships into my new relationship with David and Christ in it.
My living situation at home was the same but I was transformed.
My eyes had been opened.
But all I wanted to do was be with David and his family.
My family was nothing like his.
They were all so close and followed Jesus.
But when nighttime came and it came time for me to drive home, I didn't want to leave him.
So there were times I slept over and David being a man, the temptation was too great for him.
We would share ourselves with each other and he would feel so much guilt after because we weren't married.
He had a relationship before and had ended it because he had decided to follow God but she didn't and he wanted to live right by God.
But our actions weren't living up to that.
So one day he made a decision to break up with me.
He thought it was for the best.
I was completely devastated.
"Here we go again..." I thought.
In a moment of crying and weakness in my car, the tempter came to my mind and said "Text "M".
But God quickly rebuked it and said "No."
So I obeyed.
The next minute, David knocked on my car window and I let him in the car.
I guess he had spoken to his dad and he had told him that he didn't make the right choice.
From there we got back together and just dated each other for a bit.
Until we started speaking seriously of marriage.
There was always that elephant in the room that we wanted to be right with God and not share ourselves outside of marriage, but temptation was strong.
So five months into our relationship, David made the decision to move forward.

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