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    "hey." you replied into the phone, nervous of what was to come.

    "you sound different from what i expected." he chuckled into the phone. eren had a deep husky voice, nothing too annoying or unexpected. honestly, the most you had expected coming from a guy like him.

    "oh. a good or bad different? either way i don't care." you sighed and sat on your bed, trying to ease up a little more as you spoke to the faceless male over the phone. "you sound how i expected."

   "a good different, you have a pretty voice." he replied. hearing him saying it made your stomach flutter a little bit. "now i'm trying to imagine what you look like." he giggled.

"you're probably so ugly." you smirked lightly.

"I'm so hot!" he yelped through the speaker. you let out a small chuckle and laid on your back. "you have a cute laugh, i wanna see your smile." he flirted more.

"i'll go through the phone and cut out your eyes so you could never see me." you deadpanned. your voice filled with obvious annoyance with his constant flirting. he laughed through the phone, his deep laughter echoing in your ear. "i mean it jaeger!" you yelled at him laughing. his laughter suddenly stopped and silence filled the line until he finally spoke again.

"hey don't get comfortable calling me that!" he lectured. now you were the one laughing lightly. "you can only call me eren, or sexy-e, or dad-"

    "okay no. eren is fine." you cut him off. "jaeger is only used when i'm annoyed with you or anything, okay?"

"mannnn, no sexy-e yet." he sighed over the phone. obviously joking by the tone in his voice. "say my name again."

"eren." she followed his request. he let a little huff out.

"i'm not a big fan of my name, but when you're the one saying it i like it more." he giggled lowly. your stomach fluttered, a gentle yet ticklish feeling making your legs move slightly. you could feel heat rising to your body more and more. no one had that bad of an effect on you.

    "a red button would be really cool to press right now." you managed to huff out.

    "no i'm sorry!" he yelled through the phone. "but it's true, don't take it more as a mere compliment." he replied. she took a deep breath and laid down entirely. silence filled the room yet again, she put the phone and speaker and laid it next to herself. "tell me about you." he said into the phone. you turned slightly.

"okay wait, let me turn off my lights and get changed." y/n answered. he muttered an 'okay' and she stood up to change into shorts and a tank top, turn off the lights and lock the door, hopefully sasha brought her keys. eren stayed on the other line, phone rested on his chest has he heard you shuffling around the room quickly. it was roughly 10 so you were already getting tired and sadly, you had more classes tomorrow. you grabbed the tiny emote and turned on the light beige string lights across your dorm room and pounced back into the bed. "okay."

"do you have like an alexa of some sort?" he asked. you turned to the speaker device sitting on your night stand.

"yeah, why?"

"play music." he muttered. you were confused, but complied and and asked the device to play your playlist. 'swim' began playing. he gasped and let out a childish giggle. "i need to marry you."

    "in your dreams." you scoffed and laid next to your phone with the speaker next to your ear. "what's your favorite song by them?"

    "that's really hard to answer... but off the top of my head, probably meddle about."

☆ telephones : e.jaeger ﹆🐋⨯Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora