Itadori, not knowing what they were talking about, began whining. "Aww, no fair! I wanna try it." Lucy's glared at him which got Itadori coward back. "Wait, never mind. No, I don't."

That's when Gojo began explaining how he won't be helping the two today on this special case.

"Don't worry about it. I've called an old friend you can trust," Gojo said before the doors opened. Lucy looked at the blonde mystery man as Gojo jumped over and wrapped his arm around him. He was beaming as he introduced the two to their new partner. "This is Kento Nanami! Suit turned sorcerer."

"Please, don't ever call me that," Nanami deadpanned.

"Plenty jujutsu sorcerers are oddballs but since Kento here once worked for a corporation, he's got a good head on his shoulders. Oh, he's a First Grade Sorcerer, too."

Nanami adjusted his glasses. "I doubt anyone would appreciate an introduction like that."

Lucy looked at him oddly...more importantly, his glasses. How are they even staying on his face? she thought.

Meanwhile, with Itadori, Why do so many of these people wear glasses and stuff to hide their eyes?

"A company man?" Itadori repeated. "Why didn't you want to become a Jujutsu Sorcerer from the start?"

Nanami crossed his arms. "We should greet each other first," he suggested. He gave a small bow. "Nice to meet you, Itadori and Lucy."

Itadori gave a small bow back. "Oh - um - yes. Nice to meet you, too."

"Likewise," Lucy said.

Nanami placed his hand on his hip while looking at Itadori. "I went to your school, too, and there I learned one thing." Nanami got serious. "Jujutsu Sorcerers' suck!" Lucy raised her eyebrow at his statement. "Then I went to a typical company and learned something there, too." He got serious again. "That having to work for a living sucks!"

 "That having to work for a living sucks!"

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"Really?" Itadori paled.

"So if both sucked equally then I'll go with the one I like better. The fact is that that's the only reason why I came back."

Itadori and Gojo were both crowded in the corner

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Itadori and Gojo were both crowded in the corner. "That's dark," Itadori whispered to the white hair male.

Gojo nodded in agreement. "Right."

"That's understandable," Lucy commented, shocking both boys.

Nanami crossed his arms as he looked at Itadori and Lucy. "Now, you should understand that I'm not at all the same mindset as Gojo here. I do trust him and have great faith in his powers and abilities." Gojo struck a pose that made Lucy roll her eyes while Itadori looked tired of his sensei's ego getting bigger. "BUT I HAVE NO RESPECT FOR HIM!"


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"Huh?!" Gojo gasped.

Lucy looked at Gojo while pointing at Nanami. "Him, I like. He's less annoying than you."

Nanami looked at Lucy. "And Lucy, I am aware of your interdimensional situation so there's no need to hide things from me. But I do have to apologize for anything and everything Gojo might have done to you since you arrived."

Gojo took a step forward, looking very offended. "Don't say it like that. I've been a great tour guide." He wrapped his arm around Lucy. "Lulu and I are two peas in a pod, aren't we?"

"Someone's going to get shoved into a pod if he doesn't get his arm off me," Lucy threatened while looking at Gojo's arm.

Gojo brought Lucy closer to his chest and held her close. "See, we're getting along just great. She's practically in love with me. Ha, ha, ha, ha." Itadori took a step back as he noticed the annoying look Lucy sported that soon turned murderous. He nearly ducked in time for Lucy to punch Gojo in his chest before kicking him away from her. His body spun over Itadori as he let out a cartoonish yell. "Ahhhh."

Nanami raised his brow at the duo. Mostly surprised that Gojo didn't block her attack since he can block almost anything, "I'm also aware of the Higher-Ups wanting to execute you as well," he went back on topic. "I hate the way they do things but I still believe in rules and regulations. This conversation's dragging on. The point is...I don't recognize Itadori as a sorcerer and I can't decide if Lucy is either a threat or just some bystander. But even if Itadori is just a vessel for the time bomb we know as Sukuna and Lucy's choice of weapon is two blades, I'm hoping you two prove yourselves to be useful."

Gojo watched as Lucy took a step forward and stalked toward Nanami. He was ready to run over and grab the girl, who looked like she was about to murder the poor sucker. I mean, sorcerer.

Nanami towered over her but he hated to admit he wanted to take a step back once he saw her glare. "I couldn't care less if you think I'm useful," she began. "I only have one goal and that's to get home. I'm not here to prove myself to anyone, much less you. You might not annoy me as much as some people here but I don't give a Titan's ass if I got your respect."

Itadori paled as Lucy started walking back until she stood next to him. "I wish I could be like Lucy," he admitted. "I mean, all brave and not caring what others think. Kicking ass when I need to and be strong for everyone." His attention was now on Nanami. "Lately, I've been forced to realize how weak and useless I am. But I'll become strong. I have to get strong or I won't choose how I die." Gojo watched with a proud smile. "And I'm certain, I can win your respect. But you'll see in time."

Nanami's response surprised Lucy. "Go sell that to the Higher-Ups, not to me."

Itadori lost his balance. "Ugh, you're right."

"Because, frankly, I DON'T GIVE A DAMN!"


A/N: I'm sorry there's no smut. It's not that kind of book, but...I'll consider it for a later chapter depending if you guys really want to read it.

Now, here's a question: Who would be the bottom in Gojo and Lucy's relationship? I am curious what you all think.

And what do you think of Lucy and Nanami's first meeting?

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