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This is a goodbye, sister.

As Fee finally made it to the gates, she noticed Lola, Klaudia, Jean and Hange were sprinting to the entrance but abruptly stopped when they saw Fee hop off her horse and slowly walk, keeping her head down not even acknowledging her friends existence.

"Fee..?" Lola's voice whispered as she was confused why she came back, especially not with a certain someone in her hands.

Fee continued to keep walking down the streets, her horses reigns still in her hand. The brunette girl was still in deep thought, trying to piece together Avery's past, reminiscing memories over her fallen friend. Fee was suddenly put to a halt as she felt a warm hand holding her shoulder. She quickly turned around to see Jean staring at her, concern and worry racing through his eyes, he couldn't help but notice the puffy and red eyes she had. Fee peeked around his body to see Lola fiddling with her hands anxiously, Klaudia standing next to her with Hange, they all were begging for answers.

Fee slowly nodded as if she was mustering to even bring herself to speak.

After a few silent moments, Fee finally found the courage to speak again. "She's... d-dead." The confident voice she hoped to have was shattered immediately as her voice betrayed her. Klaudia's eyes widened along with the rest. Lola brought a hand to her mouth as she couldn't believe it had happened.

Fee took the silence as an indicator to continue, her voice finally growing some strength, "Zeke killed her." Fee felt Jean's arm wrap around her shoulder as he pulled her in for a small hug, he knew grief but never witnessing his best friend die in front of him.

The others were silent before Klaudia spoke up, "Fee..." Fee's head perked up at the sudden noise besides the wind.

"Did.." Klaudia swallowed hard to keep the tears back, "Did Avery say anything..."

Fee understood that Klaudia was basically asking if Avery had said something about Klaudia's past or anything about Klaudia. Fee nodded slowly, recalling those words.

"She did.." Fee started, Klaudia's eyes bore into hers, desperation was written all over her face causing Fee to look down at the paved road. "She said no matter what, you'll always be her sister." Those words took Klaudia by surprise.

Fee started to turn and walk away before she spoke one last thing.

"I'm sorry I couldn't save her." and with that she walked away, she could hear most presumably, Klaudia's knees drop to the ground as a scream echoed through the streets.


As Lola approached headquarters, the floor seemed to sway under her feet with every step she took. Usually after a mission or any day, Lola would stop by Levi's office, but today wasn't one of those days. His door was wide open but she continued walking, looking straight forward as she walked past his room. She wanted to hide and curl up in her bed and die. She heard footsteps behind her but she paid no attention to them. Once she reached her room she swung the door open.

Lola was about to slam the door behind her, but something stopped the door from shutting. She looked down to see a foot blocking the door from closing. She sighed and opened the door to see Levi, his eyes were a bit puffy and red but they were laced with worry.

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