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As Feitan and Lola headed towards their rooms. The air was filled with awkward silence as Lola noticed him staring at her a couple times.

"We're here!" She exclaimed as they both stood in front of the door. He gave her a small nod as he walked in.

He stopped in his tracks to look back at the girl not moving.

"You can come in, I don't bite." He chuckled as he continued walking into the room. Of course the guest rooms only had one queen sized bed.

"I would like to stay and chit chat but I have to go on the night shift tonight." She sighed as she felt a wave of tiredness wash over her.

"You look like you could pass out any second." His eyebrows furrowed as he noticed how exhausted she was. She just nodded as she sat down on the edge of the bed.

"I'll be fine." She sighed as rubbed her forehead in her hands. He just laughed as he walked into towards the front of the room. Lola couldn't see what he was doing but didn't question him nonetheless.

After about a minute he came back with a cup in his hand.

"It's coffee and no I didn't poison it." He smiled as he took off his mask and let it fall to the floor. She smiled at the small gesture before taking a few sips of it.

"Thank you Feitan.. But I should go now, don't wanna be late." She chuckled as she got up from the bed and started walking towards the door. She felt a hand go around her wrist. She looked down to see Feitan holding his hand around her wrist. The warmth of his hand made her blush.

"Do you need some to keep you company?" He asked as his face was stone cold, like Levi's. She shook her head and wished him a goodnight before heading off down the halls.


"HEY FUCKHEAD!" Fee yelled as she tried to reach up to his height as he laughed at her determination.

"Not until you apologize for calling me the missing link from Monsters vs Aliens." Chrollo smiled in amusement as he towered over the girl.

"Then don't call me a short potato head." He laughed as she tried her best to give him a death glare.

"I'm just saying..." He trailed off.

"So was I,"She mumbled as she walked out the door.

"Have fun on your night shift, don't let the potato monsters bite!" He yelled from the room as she mentally flipped him off and continued down the hallway.


"HE'S SO ANNOYING I WANT TO STRANGLE HIM!" Fee sighed in frustration as Lola, Jean and Levi looked at her amused.

"You can always change dorms." Levi spoke as he was rubbing her back back.

"No, I think this is quite hilarious." Jean laughed as Lola agreed with the boy. Levi glared at them.

"Alright, anyways let's get started. You two take the right wing and Lola and I will take the left wing." Fee and Jean nodded as they left the room talking about god knows what.

"Is he annoying you though?" Levi asked as they flew through the air on the ODM gear, up towards the top of the wall.

"He's like another Fee." The comparison made Levi chuckle as Lola kept a smile plastered on her face as they both sat down looking out into the open land with the moonlight shining down on them.

After a few moments of silence Lola spoke up.

"Do you ever miss them?" He looked over at her with a confused look as she kept her gaze up at the sky.

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