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A strong sudden gush of wind caused Fee to sit up from the couch, startled. The dim moonlight being the only source of light. The walls were all scratched and torn off, The mirror was fully cracked.

"Woah baby, you okay?" Farlan quickly sat up as well, noticing that the storm outside must've scared her. Fee looked back into his eyes that were beyond gentle everytime she looked at them.

"The thunder scared me," Fee gave a small laugh feeling his warm fingers rubbing circles on her arm. Farlan and Fee decided to sit back down on the floor along with the others.

They sat in a circle on the floor of the abandoned house the group lived in, and Lola pulled out a stack of cards from her pocket as she began to shuffle them with ease before dealing Isabel, Levi, Farlan and Fee each some cards. It was surprisingly fun, and the next few hours were spent laughing and occasionally flinging the cards at eachother.

"That isn't bloody fair, you cheated!" Farlan exclaimed while pouting at Lola, who had won the game (by a landslide, might I add).

"Stop being such a sore loser." the brunette snorted as Fee gave him a small kiss on the cheek before playfully swatted at the back of his head. Fee looked out the window and stared into the empty dark fields of nothing but grass until they became nothing but speeding blurs in the distance. A small voice broke her out of her thoughts.

"I'm getting tired, and I think we could all use some sleep." Isabel yawned as the others nodded silently in agreement, apart from Lola who seemed to already be asleep.

Farlan gave out his hand for Fee to take, a blush rising to her cheeks as she took his hand and stood up. The two walked into the room they both shared, Farlan softly shut the door behind, the room barely being lit up only with a candle.

As the two were getting ready for bed, Fee caught herself staring out the window at the plain sight in front of them. She was so lost in thought that she didn't notice Farlan coming up behind her.

"Why did you leave me?" Fee turned around with confusion written on her face. The gentle and soft look he always wore was now replaced with a stern and upset look. Fee reached out for his arms but couldn't grasp a hold on them.

She couldn't touch him.

"Farlan.. what-

"You let us die." His voice cracked, blood trickling it's way down his face from the top of his head. Fee gasped in horror as she tried to form words, not knowing what to say.

"Farlan?" The sudden noise made him collapse, as she tried to catch him but obviously couldn't.

"You weren't there," was the last thing he said before his body disappeared.

Fee shot up from her bed, covered in layers of tears and sweat. She felt her fingers slowly touching her face to feel the wet tears. The only sound she could hear was her heart beating rapidly.

Another nightmare....

Fee peered over to see Chrollo on the twin bed next to her, sleeping peacefully while a pool of drool was forming next to his mouth. Fee couldn't make out what the time was, but she guessed it was around 2 am from where the moon was at.

Fee found herself slowly walking through the halls of the headquarters, the lamps dimming with light as she tiptoed past the others room, not wanting to wake anyone up. Fee had decided she needed to clear her mind on the roof of the building where one wouldn't be at this time of night.

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