23 (Settling in Sindra - New Home -Date ;3

Start from the beginning

"I'm going to start with some smaller examples before getting to the harder things." That would help me judge if I could actually handle this right now. It needed to be something that was a direct result of Sinbad's decisions and did not cause an extreme set back while also being a good segway for the next example- Got it!

The curtain moved.

A cart was pushed through the doorway that seemed to have something for dessert and probably more alcohol anD IT WAS BEING PUSHED BY JA'FAR! ((UwU))

"I hope you don't mind if I join you."

~POV Sinbad~
Someone must have reported to the General about the dinner. Sinbad may have agreed to talk to his Beautiful Prophet with Ja'far that morning while he was still recovering from the hangover. Looks like he forgot.

Ideally, this wouldn't be a problem, but Mori tensed as soon she saw Ja'far. The fact that Ja'far had the cart meant he might have been listening in too. They had already been caught eavesdropping on her before; she would lose trust in them if they made it a habit.

"Mori," Sinbad got her attention. "Would you be comfortable with that?"

She stared at them for a moment, and took a breath. Her voice was matter-of-fact. "I can't explain what you've asked without explaining your secrets, and I'm not about to do that without your permission." She looked fine again, but something felt off about it. She also didn't actually answer his question.

What secrets could she be referring to? Mori had known things about Hinahoho's and Drakon's pasts that they had never told anyone. What secrets of Sinbad's would be proof that those events didn't have to happen?

The King had never seen her like this before. This wasn't the calm and charismatic way she explained things the previous night, or the passionate and determined way she explained the revolt in Balbadd. She was confident for sure, but she was cold in her lack of expression. It felt like a dare to talk about his secrets in front of Ja'far.

Sinbad wanted to change his Fate and the only way to do that was to walk a different path. But he wanted to discuss this alone, and then only tell the Generals the parts they needed to know. As a King, as a Singularity, he was supposed to be able to do this on his own. Of course, he needed support, but that didn't mean they needed to know his secrets.

~POV Mori~
Would I be comfortable explaining this in front of Ja'far? Obviously not. Ja'far might not hate me, but if he heard me say anything about how Sinbad was responsible for what happened I'd be on the chopping block for slander. All of my anxiety that had flared up at the sight of Ja'far, had quieted the moment Sinbad had asked for my opinion.

Ja'far was looking between me and the King, and when I gave my answer of leaving it up to Sinbad, he didn't look away from him. I couldn't see Ja'far's expression well in this lighting, but it was obvious that he didn't like the idea of secrets he wouldn't know. Learning this could ruin the trust between them. Sinbad was Ja'far's savior. Even when Sinbad betrays everyone and dies, Ja'far refused to let go. It was pathetic. Devotion like that is dangerous, and I know what it's like to be there. It's the most safe feeling possible, and once the illusion is broken there is no going back.

The co-dependency between Sinbad and his Generals (especially Ja'far) was dangerous. The taller his pedestal got, the harder it was for Sinbad to see others as people, and the harder it was for the Generals to see Sinbad's imperfections until it was too late. I wanted to tear it a part. But if they were unwilling when I did it then it could end in an unrepairable break in trust. They had to choose to change on their own regardless of anything I might say, so they could grow from this.

"Let's talk about this another time." Sinbad's voice was full of a fake warmth.

Sinbad was backing down?? He was an opportunist. It was obvious that he wanted to do more than just at have dinner with me from the beginning. So why was he the one suggesting we talk at another time? It didn't make any sense.

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