Jeremiah's Secrets

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I slowly openned the door and was ready to fight, but nothing jumped out or tried to kill us. I openned the door fully and looked around. It was safe.

"Come on, Ashton," I said.

Ashton and I went inside and shut the door. The other two waited outside and kept watch.

The place was a mess. Everything was destroyed it seemed. The only things not knocked over or completely broken were his cabinets in the back and his desk. We went closer and saw both were welded to the ground so they couldn't be moved. The cabinets had scortch marks from fire or explosives. It looked like someone had tried to force them open.

I went over to the desk and thought back to his combination. Bottom left, top right, top left, middle, bottom right. As I openned the last drawer I heard a click from behind me.

Ashton and I both turned around. One cabinet drawer had openned. We went over to it. Inside was a folder. I grabbed the folder. It was labeled, 'Immortale Information: Classified'.

I knew I didn't have time to look through it so I just held on to it. Ashton grabbed a note from the drawer. I looked inside the drawer and it was empty except for what looked like a scanner attached to the bottom.

Ashton read the note aloud,

"Dear Water (Aka Carter),

If the seventh one, the one with the other half of the necklace, isn't with you then you cannot continue from this point. Find her and come back. You will need his/her hand print to get in. I have programmed it so nothing else will work. If you have found the seventh one then you may continue on. Just scan the hand and make sure everyone is with you.



p.s. Good luck, you will need it."

"He must have known the seventh one would be you. So he programmed your hand print into the scanner. He was planning all this for awhile now it seems," I said.

Ashton nodded and said, "Let's go get everyone and fill them in."

I nodded, but before we could go get them, they all came in.

"Um..guys, we need to hurry. We took down some Immortales, but not before they could alert some others using an advanced Walkie Talkie thing. They will be here any moment," Rowen said.

"Scan your hand," I said to Ashton then turned to the others, "Come over here and let's find out what happens."

Ashton scanned her hand we heard a series of clicks and beeps. We waited for somehthing to happen and for a moment nothing did. Then the cabinets started to slide apart. When they finally stopped sliding there was a door. There was a sticky note attached to the handle.

I read it outloud, "Make sure everyone is inside before shutting the door again."

"Well, now or never. Let's go inside," Blaise said.

I openned the door. It wasn't locked and openned easily. The handle was dusty though like it hadn't been used in awhile.

I went inside and everyone followed. It was a small room and the walls, ceiling, and floor were all black. When everyone was inside we shut the door. As we shut the door we saw Immortales enter in through the front door.

I was worried they would come in here and we would be trapped, but the cabinets shut and clicked back in place blocking them from us.

"So what now?" Avalon asked.

As if to answer her question we all suddenly became disoriented. I felt like I was on a roller coaster ride. My vision blurred and we all fell to the ground. I felt the urge to puke. I thought something horrible had happened, but a few seconds later everything seemed to go back to normal.

We all got up confused and looked around. We were still in the black room except... the door seemed to be on the opposite side of the room. I curiously went over to it and openned it.

I gasped at what I saw. This was definetly not normal.



And no Ashton I am not going to tell you what happens next. You already know the ending of the book, but I'm not going to tell you about all the cliff hangers inbetween it isn't fair to the other viewers. lol.

As for the rest of you:

What do you think happened?

Tell me in the comments.

Also I want to say I am sorry for taking a week off, but I really just needed a break. I might do that every now and then. I sometimes just need to relax and play tons of Call of Duty and Infamous and Minecraft and other video games. (p.s. my username is tomboygamergirl on PS3 if you want to friend me and wolfchick14 on minecraft)

anyways...don't forget to...




and whatever else you want to do! lol

<3 Story :D

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