And yet, even though he had already won her over, he found that he couldn't shake Mori from his thoughts on the walk to the palace.

And yet, even though he had already won her over, he found that he couldn't shake Mori from his thoughts on the walk to the palace

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Sinbad had felt the waves around her the first time they met, and they were only getting stronger. Mori had an amazing influence over the course of Fate. With her knowledge she could figure out exactly how to shift things in her favor and she could even feel the waves to get the perfect timing. He could feel the shift in the greater flow of the waves with every change. It was amazing. She was amazing.

Mori had agreed to become his prophet, but it clearly wasn't enough. Why else would he still be so focused on her? Sinbad would need to gain her true loyalty. She could help him reach his dream or sabotage him, and he might not even realize she had done it. There was no way Mori would do the later -he could feel it- but it wasn't a risk he was willing to take.

It was sad that she was ripped from her home, but it was obvious in the waves why Fate had moved her. She was here for him. Why else would he find her as soon as she arrived? Why else would there be no way for her to return home? She may not have given details yet, but Sinbad was certain that in order to prevent the 2 catastrophes she had mentioned, Mori would need his help. Fate was directing her right to him, and him right back at her.

Even without her prophecies, being able to read the waves of Fate was an amazing ability. One that only Sinbad had until now, so he knew better than anyone the potential that ability gave it's owner. Mori could also use magoi manipulation, and was clearly hiding other amazing secrets.

Being a King, Sinbad was given a room in the palace all to himself to work. It was a privilege he was grateful for; his thoughts kept wandering. It wouldn't look good to the other's if they caught him spacing out. He had plenty of practice disguising it from Ja'far's watchful eye.

He was stuck on something he had thought earlier. He'd referred to those two as gifts. It wasn't right for him to view them that way, but how else was he supposed to view Mori other than a gift from Fate? He could feel in the waves that she was going to live out the rest of her days in Sindria with him.

The prophet was clearly the type of woman that responded to him, so it shouldn't take much more to bring her fully to his side. It might be underhanded to flirt with Mori to gain her loyalty, but the King of Sindria would do whatever he needed for the future of his country and his dream. Even if he didn't want her -and he did- her knowledge was something he couldn't afford to let slip between his fingers.

Besides, Mori's reactions were very cute. She got embarrassed easily even when putting on a strong front, so he couldn't help but tease her -it was almost an obligation. He'd be doing the world a disservice if he didn't do everything in his power to make her as endearing as possible.

The way she had responded when their waves aligned was also endearing. She might not have said anything directly, but every time their waves flowed together she acted confidently and flirted back.

Magi: Sindria's ProphetWhere stories live. Discover now