Quick Note

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Before any further procedures, here is a quick note that will help you get to know the author (me).

My name is Miruhii. I am the leader of the Magical Girl Society (MGS for short). I am also a goddess, due to me being Haruhi Suzumiya in a parallel world. I am also her in this world though.

As the description suggests, I will be teaching you about all things magical girl. Keep in mind, this book does not only apply to magical girls, some of these can apply to any magical girl, just the majority of it applies to magical girls. 

This book will have updates frequently. I do not have a specific "updating time", I might though in the future.

You do not have to just be a magical girl, in order to be a magical girl. You can be a magical being as well, such as an anime character, or the eye of the wicked lord. 

That's all for now. Hope you enjoy reading!! :3

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