Chapter 19 - Guilt of a Jedi Knight

Start from the beginning

Jet being a good warrior and a powerful but untrained user of the force...likewise to Benjamin in his first encounter with the armored Sith Warrior. Still, there was a boundary that separated the two boys.

"Jet, how are you doing?"

The boy in question raising his head finally. Eyes red, obviously from crying but Jet was too much of a man to show it. He swiped his nose away as he peered at Ben. "I lost everything...last night. To those fire nation bastards, to that damn warrior."

He sneered at the words. Benjamin listening as he rested his back along the base of Appa's saddle. This was going to be a long conversation; it would hopefully help Jet get his feelings out...and Benjamin can tell him the truth of what he truly was.

"Ben, that thing that you taught me. What was it?"

Ben nodded his head. Attached to the question as he took a heavy breath. He explained to Jet everything, of the force and the Jedi. The true history of the world and the nature of their journey. Also, of Jet's force sensitivity and his possibility of becoming a Jedi Knight.

Jet sat there and listened. Before he was dejected from what had happened to his comrades and to his home, but he was far more shaken by the reality of what the fire nation had done and his own potential.

Katara walked over and sat next to Ben. "Jet, I know this is a shock to you, but if this is truly your potential..."

Sokka was near the reins. "Another force sensitive..." He mumbled against his breath, Aang hiding a smirk along the reins as his eyes fixated on the bright skies. A small smile, the airbender's was gone but more of the Jedi had slowly begun to return.

Jet gazed from Katara and back to Ben. "Still, I have a question." He pointed his fingers. His eyes narrowing as he thought back to that lesson, to that time in which Benjamin instructed him to do that thing. That ability...

"I saw these...strange red lines, the lines that I saw before that would aid me in battle." He inched closer. His eyes in a haze as Jet was still confused by these strange words and ideas. "You helped me focus on them. What were they?"

Team Avatar turned towards Ben. The boy sighing as he turned back towards Jet. "Shatterpoints, I taught you to focus your mind and to properly locate a shatterpoint."

"Shatterpoints...never heard of them, even from the monks or the Jedi that frequented the temple back then." Aang spoke up as well. Now interested in the conversation.

Ben nodded. "Yeah, you wouldn't hear about them. Jet, the ability to see shaterpoints is a very rare and innate ability within the force."

Katara couldn't believe it. She knew that Jet was amazing...but to be gifted with the force and another ability. She watched as the boy's hair flew through the wind, her eyes tracing him as a soft blush spread along her face.

"What does it do?" She asked.

Ben leaned into his seat. His eyes narrowed as he knew what he was going to tell Jet was going to change his world. He wasn't just another force sensitive; he had the possibility to become a very powerful Jedi Knight. "Shatterpoints, they are the things within the force...the weak points. The weakness in a defensive line, in a machine, in an opponent. They are shatterpoints, the places in which the unbreakable becomes breakable."

Jet glossed down at his hands. He was just a freedom fighter at the edge of the frontier that hoped that he would be able to aid a couple of refugees while battling a couple of fire nation soldiers. Yet, to realize that he had such potential and a great destiny.

"Still, with such great power would require a very heavy amount of training." Ben uttered at the end, drawing the glances of everyone that was on the sky bison. "Jet, I felt your anger and hatred when we first met. If you walk the path of the Jedi, you will fall to the dark side."

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