Chapter 1 - False Jedi

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03/11/2021 - Author Note: Well Sup! This is my newest project. I am very happy that you are checking out this fic and are giving it a try, thank you! I want to also address this important part of the story. Jedi Exile is gonna be different from avatar, Sure Benjamin during water is kind of passive but he may not stay that way (Foreshadowing) there will also be dark topics addressed in this story. This one is gonna be very different from the normal avatar, there will be canon divergences for example some people may die, new situations, new allies and enemies, and some people that died may stay alive. There will also be killing in this fic. Especially during Benjamins dark side moments. I am also planning on adding in a whole new arc (AIR) and a completely different ending! But the overall story structure from Water - Fire will stay the same but with these differences .Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy the fic!

07/28/2021 - Author Note: Hey I remastered chapter 1 I hope you enjoy the new version!

Chapter 1 - Remastered

- False Jedi -

The clang of metal along wood echoed throughout the valley with a desolate hum. A boy...his eyes fixed solely on his actions as he would wind the axe back and strike the tree again. With a couple more resounding chops the large oak tree would collapse, splitting from the earth and crumpling like a fallen domino.

The thick brown coat the boy wore was drenched with sweat, his eyes shielded with a layer of protective goggles as his hair was doused with wood chippings and the stench of coppery scent of sweat graced his nostrils. He threw the axe over his shoulder, holding the tool at the very end with his left hand as his right made its way over the fallen tree.

The gloved hand was covered entirely with sap and dirt. The feeling of the gloves and the rest of the boy's clothes stuck to him, the sweat and the overall smell of the forest ingrained into every pore of his being as he crouched down, his free hand tracing along the wood.

His lips pulled into a grin, the act leaving indents in the boy's face. The boy using said hand to push his goggles off his face as they neatly rested along his forehead. "Good..." He slowly replied as he finished checking the tree for impurities.

The war between the fire nation and the rest of the world was going smoothly. The fire nation was conquering nearly everything in sight without any halt or worthwhile resistance. Though, to power their war machines they needed a steady supply of coal or wood.

That's where people like Ben came in...the boy lifting himself back up from the ground. His eyes scanning the area once again. Such a beautiful valley, Ben could imagine it at times. The life that must have had bloomed around here before the fire nation came and nearly destroyed it.

There was a life to such places like this, areas in nature which felt so strong. That was how Ben was able to keep going in these areas longer than the other lumberjacks or machine workers, even as the bits of wood oak would cloud his vision, or the decay of burned wood would scratch his eyes or ingrain into his scent.

There was something about this place that made him keep on going, something about this place that would rejuvenate his strength. Ben took a step back, his large boots slamming into the ground like the very tree he cut down, sturdy and strong as he gripped the axe once again and got ready to swing back.

This was the way young men like Ben would make their money. In the town of Azon, a fire nation island colony there wasn't much to do for work. The island before the war was just a simple vacation area for rich earth nation nobles, until the fire nation found out that there was a rich supply of coal and wood.

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