That's when he saw a wave of smoke rising into the early morning sky. It was far enough away that Dream had to squint to see it. Despite that, he began to panic again. That was big enough to be a warning sign.

"George! George, we have to go! Get up!" Dream ran back to the bedroom and shook George. George didn't get up in a hurry, he hardly even moved. The only movement with him was his subtle breathing.

Dream pulled the blankets off and gave George's cheek a couple jarring slaps. "We have to go!" He repeated, but George didn't seem to care.

Dream filled with worry as he put his hand on George's neck, feeling that George was still warm. He ran his hand down to his wrist, still feeling a soft pulse. "George?"

He was alive, but not responsive. George had mixed his pills with the alcohol last night, and it definitely did the job of getting him to sleep. Now it was Dream's job to get him awake.

"GEORGE!" Dream started crying as a natural reaction. There wasn't time to just stay here and call 911. There wasn't even time to do CPR.

Another loud explosion echoed through the atmosphere as Dream scooped his husband up bridal style. Dream ran out the door as fast as he could, putting George in the passenger's side. George was laid down and with no idea what was going on.

Dream got in and started driving. He had both front windows open as he kept an eye on where the smoke was coming from. His phone rang, it was his mother. He picked it up faster than ever. Not caring that he was currently driving.

"Mom! There's something going on. You need to take Drista and go!" He didn't know what exactly was going on, but he had a good guess. It seemed like the cult was blowing up the houses of LGBT+ people while most of them were still asleep. The only people awake at this time was old folk that were raised on a farm.

"I can't leave!" His mom sounded hysterical over the phone. He imagined she sounded way worse in person. "There's so much smoke down here, I can't see!"

Dream's heart dropped out of his chest. He didn't think the smoke was coming from that way. "Seriously?! Can you see where the smoke is coming from?"

"Down the street somewhere! I can't go outside without inhaling all the smoke!" As any mother would be, Dream's mother was terrified.

"Okay, I'm on my way! I'll find a way to pick you up!" Dream was determined to not leave his family to die, even though he wouldn't be able to see much down at that end of town.

"Be careful, don't come here if it's too foggy for your lights." As any mother would, Dream's mother wanted him to be safe.

"I will, just hold on until I get there. If anything happens, I love you." Dream blurted out before hanging up. That was one of the worst things he could of ever done to his mom's heart.

Dream looked over, seeing George's chest rise and fall a little faster. He was hopeful that George would regain consciousness on his own. He debated pulling over and doing CPR, but ended up not stopping.

It finally dawned on Dream that his parents lived a couple streets down from Tubbo and Ranboo. Those were the only targets in the area that Dream could think of. Besides his own sister. There was no time to cry and scream, so he had to keep going. If Tubbo and Ranboo were the targets, they were probably already dead. There was no point in trying to help. Dream just needed to get his family, and get away.

As Dream drove past all the streets, his vision became less and less. Even with the windows up, he was still choking on the smoke.

Eventually he reached a point where he had to shut off his car. If he kept going, he was likely to go full force through someone's house.

Dream checked on George again, he wasn't anymore lively but at least he was still alive. "What the fuck am I supposed to do..." Dream whined. He wanted nothing more than to stay in this car and suffocate in the smoke. He couldn't just give up on his family though.  He couldn't just give up on George either.

Finally Dream put George's seat all the way back and started pushing on his chest. His hope was that George would wake up if he just kept applying pressure on his chest. "Come on, I can't do this right now!"

George started to stir after 10 minutes but he was far from fully aware. His eyes rolled back as he groaned in discomfort.

Dream sighed in relief, this was progress. "George, baby wake up!" Dream started coughing again.

George turned slightly and began coughing with him from the amount of smoke building up in his lungs.

"I need to get my family. Stay here, and stay low." Dream spoke as if George was in the condition to just get up and run away.

Just as Dream was getting out of the car, he heard sirens in the distance. Finally he thought, some help. He stumbled around with his nose and mouth covered. The poor man was still in his pajamas as he tried to walk to his parent's house without collapsing from the fumes.

Another explosion went off. So loud that Dream collapsed from the sudden shock. His ears began ringing and he felt like he was under water. He stayed down for a long 20 minutes. Before having the courageous strength to get back up. Only to fall back down coughing as well as vomiting from the soot in his lungs. The last thing he managed to do was look back at his car. Knowing his vulnerable husband was in there with no protection.


The fire department had all it's employees rushing out to help the scene. The police ran rapid trying to collect the cultists. Though finding them in thick black smoke wasn't easy. Not when they had been planning this attack for quite awhile.

The paramedics braved the clouds of ash to save whoever they could. Luckily for Dream, he was picked up and taken to the hospital. George however, never made it out of that car.

Multiple other explosions were going off while the emergency teams were doing their best to control the situation. It got so bad that eventually the paramedics gave up, and declared anyone within 20ft of the explosions were a lost cause and most likely dead.

Which was unfortunate for Tubbo, who was very much still alive. Trapped under the roof of his own house. His bottom half was a lost cause for sure, his legs were almost completely broken off. Thank the universe for shock responses that keep people from feeling the full extent of their pain.

Tubbo was beside his husband, but Ranboo was gone now. He had been impaled by a support beam that used to hold their happy little home up. Ranboo didn't die instantly but he was knocked unconscious, a twisted blessing.

Tubbo had been laying his head against Ranboo for the longest time. Crying for him to wake up and tell him it was a nightmare. When Ranboo went cold and paler than show, Tubbo knew it was over for him.

Tubbo ended up dying slow and painfully. Knowing when the smoke cleared and they found his body in the debris, he would be tagged as female. He wouldn't even get buried with his husband. It just added an extra layer to the cruel ideals of Transphobia and homophobia.

If there was one last thing Tubbo could of told the world, it probably would of been:


None of the victims did anything wrong. Not Dream, Not George, Not Karl, Not Sapnap, Not Drista, Not Anyone.

The End

Ring Around My Heart (DreamNotFound +) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now