12. Philza Mine decides who watches the gremlin

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I changed it to make their last names are Mine and not Minecraft


There was a few seconds of silence until I heard the door open and we are greeted by dad "Wilbur, do you care to explain why there is a boy passed out on the couch?"


Wilbur's point of view*

Well, my life was great while it lasted.I shall now go meet dea- wait...no! This was all Techno's idea so he should own up to his mistakes!

"I swear it wasn't my fault! Techn-" "What do you mean by Techno? He's not even here." I look around to see that he has indeed left me to fend for myself

Of course he did. I'm going to murder him when I get the chance to "It was Techno! He made me go in the cafe and then a duck hybrid came in so the blondie started to yell at him. Some shit about having to finacially take care of eight people. The kid passed out and Techno knocked the duck unconscious out of no where!"

"WOAH WOAH WOAH WOAH" Techno came running down the stairs "I was about to leave the duck alone but then you said that we'll see him again and we need to know him out. Then I'm then one who carried the kid while you did nothing" 

I gasped and said "How dare you say that I did nothing! I drove you back home and I'm sure that counts as something" Techno snorted and turned to dad

"So, judge, who's guilty?" Dad sighed and said "You both are chaotic little shits that I am forced to love. Wilbur, you are in trouble for lying and, Techno, you actually did good by forcing both of you to go there if those he could have died. You may go back to your room and just please, for the love of all things alive, don't lock yourself in there again."

Okay, I may have been a little mad before but now I am fuming  "WHAT!? I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG!" "You lied so now you are watching the kid you two kidnapped and then we are returning him to his family"

Techno walked closer to us and said "About that..." Phil sighed for like the millionth time today and said "What now" "He has a family but no parents. All he has are his two friends and six children so I was thinking...that to help him, finacially, we could.... just maybe, possibly, give him a job as our intern as heroes....but of course that's only if you want to help him"

Phil's point of view*

Awww he's trying to help someone. He was always adorable when he struggled to ask a question "Of course, we just need to meet him in our hero...personas? I never know what to call it. But I'm glad that you are trying to help him. How about we get ice cream tomorrow?"

"I-I'm not eight years old Phil..." I smile "Too bad" I look at Wilbur and see that he has a pouty face. I roll my eyes and say whith a chuckle "Wilbur, you come if you want to as well"

I smiled his usual bright smile. It's been a while since I've seen him like this. Usually he's all mopey because he got into a break up or he had a hard day as a hero. He has horrible mental health and Techno's anxiety is getting worse

I wish they could just experience joy like this everyday and not be stressed. It would be amazing to see Wilbur's smile everyday and see Techno smile just once

I might be bad at parenting but now is not the time

Techno goes back upstairs and Wilbur sits next to the kid "So....what do you know about him?" I say to break the silence

Wilbur looks at me and says "His name is Tommy. He's sixteen, adopted 6 kids, definitely not finacially stable, sleep deprived, poor mental health, and has a very powerful ability that could be a great asset to us" "What is it?" I say while taking a drink of the coffee I got while I was out

"Well I don't exactly know but he can heal people in some way but he also has an ability that made Techno and I start to almost cry with just two sentences" I spit out my coffee and said "Techno....are you sure it was Techno who almost cried?"

Wilbur lightly laughed and said "Yeah, I was that confused as well. It was unbelieveable. I have never met anyone who has a power similar to that. Also everyone who lives around here is close to each other so we-"

Tommy started to wake up


His language is...colorful, to say the least.


I'm going to be posting once a day this week and hopefully next week it will be two times a day but that's not confirmed yet

Number of words: 851

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