7. The egg? *Gasps in extreme sarcasm* I didn't even think of that!

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I got snapped out of it when arms wrapped around me and I fear coursed through my veins about who it could be


Bad's point of view*

I've felt like I was being controlled ever since I saw that egg. I don't have any recollection of what happened before I saw the egg but I feel like I need to be in a cafe. Why do I need to go there? I don't even like sweets.

Or do I? No. I hate sweets, I love swearing, and I hate Gep-Skeppy. It's Skeppy...no...it's Geppy. I love Geppy, he's my best friend. No, he's my enemy.

Yeah, my enemy.....

I ignore that and continue to walk to 'Sunshine's pastry shop'. It's not a very creative name but for some reason in makes me want to smile whenever I think about it. Why can't I smile? I thought I love to smile. No....I hate smiling. Why can't I remember what I like and don't like?


Time skip

When I see the entrance something inside me sparks

I feel happy.....I like this feeling but why don't I feel it often? And why did the fuzziness in my vision  disappear

For the first time it's like I'm in control. It's like I can do whatever I want!

The freedom and unblurry vision goes away almost right after. Now all I can feel is anger and dread but this time it's different because I know how something else feels like and I am determined to feel like again

When I enter the joy comes back but it soon gets pushed back down

I look around and see a kid with blonde hair have the biggest smile I have ever seen. When he sees me enter he says "Bad! I haven't seen you in a whole fucking week, what happened?"

When he said the word 'Fucking' I had the urge to say 'Language you muffinhead!' but I couldn't. Instead I just laughed but it felt forced and I didn't want to

Why can't I do what I want and how does he know my name? The most important question is what in the muffin is a muffinhead? Muffin. Muffin. Why can't I curse? It doesn't matter

The boy's eyebrows furrowed and he asked "Bad, are you okay?" He looks at my eyes his widened "The fuck!? When did you get contacts! They are so pretty, where did you get them?"

I wanted to answer him and tell him that I didn't and what's wrong with it but I just said "A slice of strawberry cake." like a really rude muffinhead would

Why does the world sound muffled, and my body isn't doing what I want it to do?

He takes a deep breath and looks at me with a straight face "So how's Skeppy doing? I heard that he has a cold because he was an idiot and went into the pool this month. It's December and the highest it was this week was 13 Ce-" He got cut off my me slamming my fist onto the counter which scared me too

I wanted to scream because I got startled but all that came out was "I'm sorry but did I ask you to tell me that my partner is an idiot? I kindly ask you to never fucking talk about him that way again." Why did I say that to the poor boy and what is going on with me?

"Is Skeppy.....is he dead?" I looked in his eyes and they filled with fear. He sounded so scared too

 "Just stop talking about him. He's alive but isn't going out anytime soon." I felt fear when I started talking because of how deep and scary it was

I wanted so much to just yell that Skeppy is fine and he's at home because he's sick just so that I could see the boy

What's his name? Is it Sunshine? No...Tommy! It's Tommy who's he most energetic, happy, and thoughtful boy in the world. The one who makes me shout language every five seconds. The one that make everyone cry if he cries. The one that would help me if I were ever feeling down.

But he looks like he would be the one that looks the worst, would never come to gatherings, never take a break, and even resist passing out just to please people

Did I never see him like this? Was I so focused on my problems that I couldn't see that he was in pain? I'm a terrible friend! Unless I did try to help....but I don't know. My memory is still fuzzy and I can't think of anything 

 When I saw that he had jumped back and that tears were starting to form I picked up my fist in hopes it would calm him down

My heart panged with guilt and I tried to run over and hug him so tight that there was a possibility of him dying but I couldn't

He closed his eyes as if he were waiting for me to hit him and the guilt got worse. I wanted to cry so much. I never want to see him cry ever again. He stayed like that for a few more seconds and then he opened his eyes that were still filled with fear

I felt really guilty but I could only look at him in confusion "Aren't you going to....to hit me?" I want to kill anyone who has ever hit him. I felt angry but the guilt was overwhelming and I was able to look like I was guilty. It was as if my body was doing the opposite of what I want it to do.

I thought that was what was happening but it turned back into the cold look and I snarled even though I was guilty as muffins for making him feel like he was going to get hit "Just get me my damn drink" "Yes sir" he answered and that made me want to cry so much

I will murder the people who dared to touch this baby muffin in that cruel cruel way. They'll die and I don't care about the consequences.

When he gave me the drink I threw it on the ground and crushed the cup. I gasped om the inside but on the outside I just left without another word

Oh how much I would give to run in there and tell him how much I want to take everything back. I didn't even notice too much about me being controlled until now. Maybe it was the egg....

I was able to get a post it note and a pen from my pocket and wrote down 'There is a big big egg that has red tentacles that it can control. Be careful and DON'T go near them. If you see someone with red eyes then run away. Skeppy is being turned right now. It's controlling me and I didn't mean to be a muffinhead. I'm sorry my baby goose'

I put the post it note [Look, I've been making chapters for 6 hours straight and I've been going back and forth between them to edit things to make it that everything makes sense so will you please just make up a spot that he put it in? Thank you so much if you agreed. I'm going to go to go fix the part where it says that Bad crushed the coffee cup because, believe it or not, Bad had just left peacefully before I changed it] and left

For some reason it was easy to get out of its control and it was really convenient that I just happen to have one post it note and a pen in my pocket


Number of words: 1,306

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