6. The most normal day ever. I said it was normal, don't try to say otherwise.

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Trigger warning: mention of past abuse


"Thank you, Dream. Now go get your sister while I serve customers" I say while getting up to go pick up the blinds


Tommy's point of view*

As soon as I opened the cafe again someone came in. Seven to eight have always been the rush hours because of work and it's just to early to not get something to eat

I'm glad Dream is an officer because if he weren't I would have probably been arrested due to the fact that I talk about my kids all the time. Bad came in here and I said "Bad! I haven't seen you in a whole fucking week, what happened?" He just laughed and continued walking towards the counter

How weird, he usually says 'Language!' every time I curse "Bad, are you okay?" I look to see his eyes and they are all red and shit "The fuck!? When did you get contacts! They are so pretty, where did you get them?" "A slice of strawberry cake."

That's weird...he's the most cheerful guy I know so why the hell is he being all 'I'm going to be an asshole and just order while ignoring what he says' I mean, he's doing the asshole job but why?

I'm going deeper into this even though it's probably not safe at all "So how's Skeppy doing? I heard that he has a cold because he was an idiot and went into the pool this month. It's December and the highest it was this week was 13 Ce-" I got cut off by Bad slamming his fist on the table

A/N 55.4 Fahrenheit

"I'm sorry but did I ask you to tell me that my partner is an idiot? I kindly ask you to never fucking talk about him that way again." He just cursed. Oh my shit he just cursed. Something happened to him

Wait "Is Skeppy.....is he dead?" Bad looked in my eyes and they seemed like they were going to kill me "Just stop talking about him. He's alive but isn't going out anytime soon." Okay, something is definitely wrong. I've never heard Bad get mad and I don't ever want to hear it again

!Trigger Warning!

"Bad, are you sure that you're fine? I'm really worried about you and skep-" I stopped when Bad picked up his fist because it looked like he was going to slap me. I quickly jumped back and tears came out from past memories

'I knew I shouldn't have tried to meddle with this. I should have remembered that the nicer they seem in public the worse they are while alone. How could I just ignore this and befriend him? Of course he was going to fucking hit me when I least expected him to, when I fully trusted him, and when I was the most stressed.' I thought as I closed my eyes and waited for him to try to hit me again

I waited for a few more seconds but the hit never came so I opened my eyes and Bad was looking at me like he was more confused than I am "Aren't you going to....to hit me?" 

For a while his cold eyes went soft and it looked like guilt was passing through his eyes but soon they  went back to their ice cold glare and he snarled "Just get me my damn drink" "Yes sir" I answered immediately in fear that he would hurt me if I didn't do what he wanted

!Trigger Warning Over

As soon as I gave him the drink he threw it on the ground and crushed it with his foot before leaving

It made me want to cry because of how different he's acting. Did his eyes have anything to do with his behavior or was it so-

I got snapped out of it when arms wrapped around me and I fear coursed through my veins about who it could be


Number of words: 666

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