11. I finally put the title into the story after 11 chapters of this bullshit

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Daaamn. He really just snapped like a pretzel


Wilbur's point of view*

"Techno, what are we going to do?" He instantly said "We'll take him to the house and for the duck he'll be too scared to tell anyone." I looked at him and with the amount of stuff he was yelling about makes me believe that they know each other

I think everyone in this town is close so I guess we will oftenly cross paths. I sigh and say "We can't, we'll probably see each other again and we can't risk it. We should probably knock him out"

The man just stared and did nothing as Techno carefully put Tommy(?) down then picked up a pan and hit him on the head. He's probably going to have trauma but too bad so sad

"Let's get out of here" Techno said while picking Tommy back up

Y'know, that Tommy fellow has an amazing power. He can make people's hearts hurt and prevent them from doing anything for a while as well as make them smile uncontrollably. He can be extremely manipulative if he wants to and that's dangerous so we have to get him to join or else our only other option will be to lock him up

The only problem is that we need him to cooperate and, based on past experiences, I don't think he'll be willing to do so. That means Techno and I have to take that into our hands

Time skip

We arrive at the door and I'm relieved that dad isn't there. To be honest I was expecting him to be waiting for us because he would assume that something went wrong

I unlock the door and Techno puts Tommy on the couch while saying "That orphan literally weighs nothing" I furrowed my eyebrows and confusedly said "How would you know he's an orphan?"

He scoffed and said "Really? He's a sixteen year old finacially supporting seven kids, if you count his two friends that he says he lives with, all on his own and you expect him to not be an orphan? I think his parents abandoned him because of how many people he wants to help"

"Are you sure he wants to help them?" My question made Techno freeze and turn from putting a blanket on Tommy to look at me

"What do you mean by that?" His tone of voice and the way he was staring at me like I were being scolded made me slightly stumble over my words "I...well I was...th-thinking about it and....it's just"

I sigh and gain just enough confidence to say "That's too kind to do for it to be true."

Techno just stared at me and then said "Are you an [Extra dumb dumb] or something!?" I don't know how he does that. He just censors his words and he said before that for him ours are censored. I don't know if it's a curse or just a random thing that he has. All I know is that I'm glad I don't have it as well

It seems that I didn't answer in time because he said "Look, people can be kind if they want to be. The world isn't as cruel as you say it is."

It was my turn to scoff as I said "Yeah, as if that could be true. People in this world are greedy human beings. They don't know the pain of being abandoned at 7 with their older brother. They don't know how it feels to be in such a low point in life that you have to ste-" Techno looked angry as he cut me off

"Look, Wilbur, I don't know what you're thinking but it seems you have forgotten that there are others who have been abandoned at a younger age and have even been murdered. Good luck trying to get sympathy while you are whining about how hard your life was." I look down in shame

There was a few seconds of silence until I heard the door open and we are greeted by dad "Wilbur, do you care to explain why there is a boy passed out on the couch?"


Number of words: 701

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