chapter 5

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I 'll get you another sparring partner," He told me and I did as he instructed, watching him get carried away to the medical area.

I sat down on the benches, all alone in the room as I awaited my new partner.

I took the time to drink in the rest of the details, hoping that one day they would trust me enough to let me have a try at shooting as well. It had been ages since I went to a range and I missed it terribly.
A shadow fell over me as I was hunched up, tying my undone shoelace. I glanced up to see yet another unfamiliar face who introduced himself as Blake . He was buff and tough, having more muscles than both the other two men I had met. Rings adorned his fingers and his lips were pressed firmly in a straight line as he stared at me.

I raised my eyebrow at his intimidating stance, opening my mouth to tell him, "Chill off man, I ain't gonna be scared by you," And it was true, I had worked with men bigger than him in the gym I worked with and although he intimidated me just the slightest bit, I wasn't going to let him know. The only one that ran a shiver down my spine was the leader of this place and no one else.

I saw Blake fighting to prevent the corners of his lips from turning up and a grin spread on my face as I got up and punched him playfully on the shoulder. "C'mon lets spar," I motioned him towards the boxing ring but he shook his head, jerking his head to the now open door of the room.

Chris stood there with a muscle tee and shorts, his right hand holding a water bottle that he took a swig from yet his eyes still held my gaze. What was it with him and his captivating eyes, I scowled internally, breaking away my gaze as I turned towards the bench.

When I turned around again, sadly, I saw chris was shirtless and my mouth went slightly dry and the sight of his well defined eight pack washboard abs. No, no, no he is just trying to distract you, I told myself as I spied the smirk on his face.

Two can play at this game, I thought, as I removed the top I was wearing, leaving me in my normal training outfit that caused many leers in my old gym. I wasn't going to deny that I had a body most people envied because of the working out I did.
A small smirk rose to my lips as I watched his fall and the emotionless expression once again took to his face as he looked into my eyes, almost unimpressed. Whatever...

Little did I know, he too was fighting to rake his eyes over my body as I was his but neither of us was going to admit it as we took a step closer.

Instead of fighting in the boxing ring, chris chose to fight on the mat next to it and we took our positions, bending down slightly. I saw his eyes flicker to my cleavage and bells rang in my head as I took note of my advantage, hurriedly punching him while he was slightly distracted.

I got a good blow in but he blocked my next one from coming. From then one it was almost like a dance, our moves feeling like it was choreographed by how easily we matched each other's pace.

It wasn't long before we had moved off the mat and the other people training moved back towards Blake to watch the show. He swung his leg towards me and I narrowly ducked, taking note of the fact that this was no longer boxing.

And that helped me play my cards because I knew that my leg could swing higher than his as I jabbed him with it right in the face. It took him off balance slightly but he recovered effortlessly, holding his guard extremely well.

We had reached the left-hand side of the room and chris unhooked an épée (a type of fencing sword) before chucking it at me. I watched it soar through the air in an arc before I caught it, adjusting the grip so it fit me comfortably.

Fencing was not my strongest point, all I know of it was when my brother and I used to spar in our basement with the swords we had gotten as a gift. I was very lucky it was of the same type so I got the sword to balance in my hand easily.

Chris too, now, held one of these and in a flurry of movements, he had it poking at the area where my heart resided but he wasn't the only one with a dangerous position. My sword rested on the side of his neck, where with a slash I could severe his head from his body.

Both of ours were equally lethal and we took the moment to regain our breaths, though our eyes never strayed from one another. From this close, his sword the only thing separating our bodies from touching, I could see the golden specks in his green irises that for some reason intrigued me.

He also had really long eyelashes and I wondered, as he blinked, how they didn't leave specks on his lower eyelid. The clambering of the sword to the floor broke our trance as chris dropped his sword. It was supposed to be a sign of truce but as Y'all already know- not all is fair in love and war.

I let a smirk rise to my lips, kicking his legs from under him and getting on top of him, my sword now pressed tightly against his neck. My breathing was slightly uneven and although his pace was normal, I was satisfied to see the sweat coating his skin from the extensive workout.

I leaned in, my lips now just a hair width away from his ear. "Never let your guard down," I whispered before moving back to staring down at him.

A smirk donned his lips as well as mine as I stared down on him, wisps of hair tickling his skin from where they came undone from my ponytail. Suddenly, I heard hoots and clapping, breaking the gaze we had once again as I flushed slightly, realising that I was straddling him.

Was that why he was smirking? I quickly got up, giving a hand that he ignored as he pushed himself up, dusting his hands on his shorts.

"Blake, next time you put me against someone like her and let me think she is a beginner, you're fired," Were the only words that escaped his lips, though the amusement lacing his voice was shocking. He wasn't as robotic as he first seemed anymore.

He nodded his head at me and I knew this was the only sign of approval I was to get, before walking away.

So what are your views for today's part ?

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Waiting eagerly for your response
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