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"Where the hell are we going, Sophia? We've been walking for like ten minutes." Hunter nagged as he walked with Blaze strapped to him.

My mind went back to what Hunter told Mr. Lodge yesterday at court for the hundredth time. It had been on my mind since I woke up this morning.

"That's for not telling me my mom died."

I shook my head as I looked in front of me. "We're almost there, I can hear the waves crashing on shore."

We were walking through a forest to get to the beach behind it. This was an infamous body of water, mostly because it was hidden behind a forest. It was my mom's favorite. She called it 'God's Secret'. I don't know why but I always went with it. I hadn't been here in years.

Hunter looked at me with a raised eyebrow, completely confused. I rolled my eyes.

"We're going to cut all ties with our moms. I need to let go of mine and you need closure with yours. It's a win-win situation."

He turned around and started walking back to the forest.

"Hunter wait!" I shouted as I pulled him. "You helped me with my fear of dogs now it's only right that I help you with this."

"No," he said turning around once more.

"You can't keep avoiding it."

He immediately halted at my words. He turned back and looked at me. His eyes were now soft and he let down his guard to me again. He sighed. "What do you want us to do?"

I smiled as I perked up. "So I watched this movie..."

At the mention of the movie, he turned around again.

"Hunter, please hear me out!"

He sighed before he turned around and placed Blaze, who was already knocked out, in his car seat. He made sure to cover Blaze with a blanket from the cold, sea breeze. "Fine, but if you tell me some shit about dancing around naked in circles, I'm leaving and I'm not turning around again."

I laughed sheepishly. "You saw me watching that?"

He nodded while trying his best not to laugh at me. I was only watching it because I didn't know what else to watch. It's true, I swear!

"So are you going to tell me or what?" he asked as he sat down on the sand next to the car seat.

I nodded. "Okay, so basically we have to write the things we didn't get to say to our moms before they died then we burn the paper."

"What's the purpose of this again? Are you still delusional?" he asked as he tilted his head with a smirk.

"It's supposed to help release the pain of our wounds. I don't know if it'll work but we can still try. I've seen other people do it."

"I don't have any wounds," he said as he showed me his hands. "See, I'm fine."

"Hunter, I gave you the chance to heal on your own but you're not. I can't just let you bury your pain. It's not fair to you or me. Just how you helped me get over my fear, and may I add that you did it forcefully, I want you to be happy too. Fully happy."

"Well, I don't have anything to say to her," he said, still being stubborn.

I pursed before sitting down next to him. "Hunter."

He sighed. "Fine, pass me the paper."

I smiled before handing him a pen and paper. He hesitated for a moment but then started writing. After I saw that he was complying, I picked up my pen and paper.

I needed to finally let go of my mother. I'm not ever going to forget her and I'm not trying to either. I just needed to stop feeling guilty for her death. I needed to stop talking to the dried bones in her grave. I needed to move on.

Dear mom,

I'm sorry you had to die the way that you did. If I hadn't been so selfish, you probably would've still been here today. I hope that you forgive me so that I can move on with my life and raise your grandson to be a good man like his father.

Love Soph

I hadn't realized while I was writing but tears filled my eyes. I looked over at Hunter and he was still aggressively writing on the paper. So much for 'I don't have anything to say to her'.

When he was finished, he looked up to me. He gave me a soft smile before wiping a tear that had just fallen from my eyes.

"You ready?" he asked and I nodded.

I pulled out the lighter and handed it to him. "You first."

He took it. "Am I supposed to say anything?"

I shrugged. I really didn't know. The scene ended before they did anything.

He watched the paper intensely. "Rot in hell Margret," he said before holding the lighter close to the letter and letting the flame spread. He handed me the lighter. "Your turn."

I sighed before taking it. Maybe this wasn't a good idea. Maybe I should've just buried the memories instead of doing whatever this is. I felt Hunter squeeze my hand.

"I'm right with you Soph."

I let out a deep breath before activating the lighter. The flame lit then within seconds the letter was burnt off. I wasn't going to lie and say that I felt like a gigantic weight was lifted off of me but I did feel a little better.

"This was nice," Hunter admitted as he leaned back on the sand.

"Yes, it was," I said as I followed him by laying down next to me. I turned on my side to watch him. He was staring up at the sky watching the clouds. The sky was luminous. It was filled with red-orange and pink. I wasn't sure the exact time but I knew for sure it was sunset time.

Hunter looked relaxed. For once in his life, he didn't have to feel like he had a huge weight on his shoulders. He didn't have to worry about lawsuits from his father or being haunted by his mother. The corners of his lips were slightly lifted upwards and his eyes were half shut.

"Hey, Hunt."

"Hmm?" he asked as he turned his face to me.

"I love you."

He turned to me with his piercing dark eyes staring into mine. The biggest smile appeared on his face. "I love you too," he said before giving me a gentle kiss to climax our moment.

Love & Business: Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now