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"Hush little baby don't say a word..." I sang for the sixth time. Ever since I have gotten up, Blaze has been crying non-stop.

Hunter was gone before I even woke up. He left a simple but straightforward message.

Will be back by 12. Love you.

I smiled as I saw the message but quickly frowned at the sounds of Blaze's loud crying.

I placed him on my lap to face me.

"Now what are you going on about Blaze Lodge?"

His cries toned down as he watched me but erupted once more by the sound of the doorbell. I rolled my eyes. I was just getting him to calm down.

We got up and I opened the door.

In front of me stood a smiling woman. She had a dark complexion with beautiful, black 4C hair that was left out in a simple afro. She was mid-height, standing around 5'6, and wore a white blouse that complimented her skin tone nicely with simple blue jeans.

I stood in shock and kind of confused as I watched her. She didn't look familiar at all. Maybe it was Hunter's friend?

She walked in past me and started looking around.

"Girl this is nice!" she exclaimed. She has a thick Caribbean accent but I couldn't pick up which country it was from.

I blinked a few times to see if what I was experiencing was real or not. There was an unknown woman in my house acting as if she had known me for years.

She looked at me then at Blaze. "Girl why the heck do you have that baby wrapped up so horribly like that?"

She walked up to me then attempted to pull my son out of my hands but I pulled away. She tried again only this time she succeeded. I stood there shocked and speechless.

She carried him into the living with me trailing in the back confused as ever. His cries got even louder.

"Who are you?" I asked and tried to take Blaze back from her but she swings away.

"Would you wait?" she snapped. "Can't you see I'm doing something?"

That's when my body came to a complete halt. No one has ever spoken to me in such a tone. It was...intriguing?

She spread the blanket on the couch before laying Blaze on it and perfectly swaddled him. My eyes widened.

"How did you-"

She started to laugh. "Come closer and I'll show you."

I obeyed and she did as promised. She showed me step by step how to do it and I understood vividly. She did way better than Hunter.

"Thanks to my mother who got pregnant every year, I became an expert in this field," she said as she handed him back to me.

Now that my son was safely in my arms again, I went on interrogation mode. "Now tell me who are you or I'll call security."

She smiled and stretched out her hand. "Moya. I was hired as the head maid here."

My eyes widened. This is the person Jannette chose to replace Ms. Turner? She had no respect for me at all. "Nope. You're fired."

She raised her eyebrow. "What? Why? You haven't even seen me clean?"

"You're disrespectful."

"And you're a rich, stuck-up brat but you don't hear me complaining."

"I'm not!"

Am I?

She folded her arms and gave me an unimpressed stare. "Only rich, stuck-up brats would say that."

Love & Business: Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now