Just Eat Your Steak

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Dad watched me angrily. Irritated that his little girl is finally talking back. Took me long enough. "Sophia, has your manners gone out the door?"

"No dad, but your welcome has. I'm finally speaking up. First, you bring this woman here then you try to insult me. You've been trying to control me and I'm putting an end to this misery."

"Don't you dare bring Senator Joseph into this. You're acting like a 16-year-old girl who just found out her father is dating again. Grow up!"

Was Senator Joseph the only thing he heard me talk about?

I scoffed. "You should go."

He shook his head before standing up. "I'm very disappointed in your actions tonight Sophia. Embarrassing me in front of my lady? Really? Let's go, senator."

Senator Joseph gave me a soft smile before following dad out.

I felt a warm hand over mine. When I looked, it was Hunter giving me the biggest smile. "I'm so glad you finally stood up to him. If you took any longer I would've done it for you."

This somehow cheered me up. I feel like a big weight has been lifted off my shoulder.


The next morning, Hunter and I walked down the stairs. I took Blaze out of Hunter's hold so that he could pour our coffees.

I looked down at my son who was staring at me with a broad smile. The smile must have been contagious because I ended up smiling as well. When he smiles, I smile.

I heard a 'click' noise and when I looked up, it was Hunter holding this phone. "Just found my new lock screen."

I rolled my eyes and pretended it was corny but I was burning up inside. I'm pretty sure my cheeks ratted me out.

"Good morning, Mr. and Mrs. Lodge," Moya said, washing her hands at the sink. She then walked over and took Blaze out of my hold.

"Good morning." we both answered back. Both of us strolled through our phones, preparing ourselves for today's agenda. According to my schedule, I had 4 meetings today.

I stood up. "I'll be leaving first," I said then kissed Hunter and Blaze.


"Mrs. Lodge, you can't possibly agree with this."

I zoned back in. "Pardon?"

"They want to kick out everyone on the third floor so they can re-carpet the floor. Where would the workers work?"

I sat there shocked. The planning committee couldn't come up with solutions to such a simple problem?

"The workers could work at home or the company can rent out a space for the time being. There are many more options but these seem the easiest."

Everyone watched me with widened eyes before quickly scribbling down what I said. "If that's it, I'll be leaving now."

I got up and walked to my office. When I closed the door, I noticed Hunter casually standing in my office.

"Hunter?" I asked surprised. "What are you doing here?"

He walked over to me. "I know yesterday wasn't one of your best days so I brought something that might cheer you up."

He held up a bag with around six cheeseburgers and my face lit up with joy. He frowned.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm kind of offended you didn't light up like that when you saw me."

I smiled, kissed him then gave him the biggest hug.

Love & Business: Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now