"You're actually happy to go back to school?" Peter questioned in disbelief.

"Of course! I miss all my friends and quidditch and sneaking out and spending Sundays with Re- Hagrid," I listed, catching myself just in time.

"Honestly, (y/n), what do you even do with Hagrid?" James asked.

"Study magical creatures, duh," I said, shrugging my shoulders.

"Really?" James questioned, unamused.

"Well Hagrid doesn't study, I study," I clarified. "Hagrid shows me how to take care of Magical creatures." Again, this was a half-lie. I do study magical creatures, just not with Hagrid. It was a necessity for my class, but there were many books in the cottage filled with many notes from the previous owner and some were about magical creatures.

"Fascinating," James said, sarcastically.

"Whatever," I sighed.

"Do you think you're going to continue working with magical creatures after Hogwarts?" Remus asked, intrigued by my interest in magical creatures.

"Maybe. I don't really know," I mumbled, unsurely. "Is that bad? To... not know these sort of things. I mean it is my future."

"Nah, not really," Remus responded. "It's good to have some ideas but you don't have to know," he assured. "We're still young."

"Hmm, guess you're right," I nodded.

"Besides, focus on what's happening now before you get too caught up with the future," Remus added.

"That's some good advice, Lupin," I smirked. "You'd make a good professor."

"Hmm, I'll consider it," Remus smiled with a little shrug.


The Hogwarts Express is going to leave at noon and the Marauders and I just finished packing.

"So, are you ready to go back?" Andromeda asked as I helped her fold Nymphadora's clothes.

"Yes, I'm very excited," I answered with a big beam.

"Excited for what? Classes? Friends? Regulus?" She questioned with a sneaky smile.

"I'm excited for the new semester," I said, rolling my eyes. "I came to Hogwarts to learn, okay? Academics first, it's what I always say. Besides, we're going to a Hogsmeade trip soon."

"Mhm, so none of your excitement involves Regulus?" Andy asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Of course it does. Part of it," I answered, but Andromeda was looking at me as if there was more. "Okay, majority of it. But in  a friendly way."

"Alright," Andy smiled. "You mentioned Hogsmeade. Have you ever gone to Madam Puddifoot's?"

"No, looking at that place just gives me a headache," I quickly replied.

"Are you talking about the decorations or the couples?" Andromeda asked with a laugh.

"Both," I groaned.

"Ted and I used to go all the time when we were students," she sighed as she began to reminisce.

"Really?" I said in disbelief. "I thought you two were, like, undercover or something."

"Yes, well there is this thing called sneaking out," Andy responded, slyly.

"You used to sneak out?" I asked Andromeda as if it was a crime that I didn't expect her to commit.

"Duh," she laughed, "every teenager does."

"Fair point," I agreed. "How would you get to Hogsmeade anyways?"

One of a Kind {Regulus Black x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now