13: Amour in Alola

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"Oh, for the love of Mespirit..." Paul mumbled. "Don't tell me you fell in love with a performer."

"What's wrong with performers?" asked Lana.

"It's Kalos's version of Pokemon Contests, except without battles."



"Guys." I snapped, regaining their attention. "Besides, I didn't fall for her first. She fell for me. After the Team Flare crisis happened, we got even closer. Eventually we did have to part ways though, and at the airport before her flight, she kissed me." I scratched my head. "At first I thought it was some kind of weird Kalosion goodbye to good friends, but my other friends assured me otherwise."

"Dense." Zinnia added.

"No I'm not." I retorted. "Anyway, Serena and I kept in touch and had a Very-Long-Distance-Relationship for a few months while I was in Alola. Shortly after I became the Alola League Champion, and our class was about to go on vacation. Well, and this happened..."

"Alola, class!" the professor greeted us.

"Alola Professor Kukui!"

"My my," he noticed us, "Either Lillie used Follow Me, or you guys are talking hard about something!" 

We were, but that doesn't matter to the story.

"For now though," Kukui said, "we have a visitor for a... certain classmate."

Professor stepped out of the way, revealing a beautiful girl I immediately recognized, for I was on a call with her every night in Alola. She wore a straw hat that barely fit her now, as well as her signature blue ribbon on her chest. My blue ribbon.

"Hey, champion." she said as we made eye contact.

"Serena!" I shouted, as she ran up to me. I wrapped my arms around her and embraced around her as she placed her lips on mine. Truthfully it felt like hours, though more accurately it lasted eight seconds.

Our paradise was broken by the spectators. "Uhh.. uhhh," Lillie choked.

"Oh yeah," I scratched my head, still holding Serena's hand. "This is my girlfriend, Serena!"

Professor Kukui scratched his head. "So, Ash has a girlfriend... Way to use Knock Off on our expectations, cousin!"

I smiled. "Serena this is Professor Kukui, I'm staying at his and his wife's house. Also meet my classmates. Lillie. Kiawe, Lana, Sophocles and Mallow!"

Serena chuckled nervously. "Are they... alive."

I noticed their reactions. A mix of confused, shock, and cautious optimism.

"They'll zombify. Just give 'em a minute."

"Hahahaha!" I laughed, looking at Lana. "You should've seen the looks on your faces! It made Clemont and Bonnie look casual!" I said. "Lillie looked a bit sad though. I wonder why."

Lana facepalmed.

"Dense..." muttered Zinnia, smiling as she shook her head.

Paul looked uncomfortable, visibly regretting asking me about Serena. "Could you finish the story sparing such intimate details?"

"I'll try. The amourshippers won't be happy though," I shuddered, imagining the comments.

Kiawe was the first to normalize. "How about we give those two some privacy..."

"I SECOND THAT." Lillie shouted.

As soon my classmates cleared the room, we began hugging. 

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