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After Jungkook pulled off from their hug, Taehyung immediately hit him with his bag, "you large! overgrown! rabbit! you just don't know when to take my advices seriously huh! idiot!" Taehyung yeld, one word one hit.

Jungkook can't do anything, flinching and blocking Taehyung's bag is the best option. "Look, babydoll they were at fault. Namjoon and I were just driving through Seoul, then suddenly we were chased, I didn't even bring my men with me, I came unprepared and also, so I could go spend time with you peacefully, yet those motherfuckers have to chase us, and spoil our night!" he explained.

Taehyung just huffed after beating him with his designer bag, he then sat down and glared at the mafia. "Hey, don't look at me like that Taehyungie... common, I know I'm wrong, okay....that's why I brought this as a sorry gift to you" Jungkook said the last sentence enthusiastically.

He then brought up the bag that says Gucci and showed it to his babydoll. Taehyung on the otherhand was still unconvinced. He kept the look but for a second later he averted his gaze from the mafia, by rolling his eyes.

Jungkook sighed, he then went up to Taehyung and kneeled infront of him holding the gift he had bought. with big doe puppy eyes, and a little pout he said "common Taehyungie... babydoll...cupcake...sweety... strawberry-"

"okay, okay, enough....that's cringe" Taehyung said accepting the gift. Jungkook smiled his famous bunny teeth grin, as Taehyung proceeds to reach out for napkins and wipe Jungkook's face that has blood dried and stick on it.

Jungkook smiled cutely and acted satisfied by Taehyung wiping his face. If his men are inside the room right now, they would probably be confused if their boss was possessed by a good spirit, or some might even gag or just simply walk out of the room. He's really acting like a baby, infront of Taehyung right now.

After wiping the mafia's face, Taehyung asked him to sit down, then the mafia called the waiter, and they started to order their food. A couple of minutes later, the food was served.

While eating, Taehyung couldn't help but ask about how the mafia had been, it's been long since they had deep talks, because they were always bickering and messing with each other.

"how are you?" Taehyung asked, breaking the comfortable silence. 'how are you' Jungkook thought, Taehyung is the only person who will ask him that with pure concern, and gentleness in his voice, he was the only one who will always ask him that with pure intentions of truly listening about what he felt. And Jungkook can't help but be touched by that.

"I'm okay these days actually, no more Teressa to ruin my day, and no more problems in the company, everything is good" he said, happily munching the steak.

"that's good to hear, Mr. Mafia. since Teressa is gone...should I find you another hoe to play with?" Taehyung asked slightly mocking how Jungkook call the girls he's been with 'hoe'.

"Oh yes please, I'm sexually trusfrated right now" Jungkook said dramatically. Taehyung just giggled at him "kookie, it's not trusfrated, it's frustrated...but alright I'll find you another hoe"

"Thanks for that babydoll, I can always count on you" after saying those words he winked at Taehyung, causing the latter to giggle.

Through the night both talked about random things, laughing here and there, bickering once in a while, but most of all having fun together.

But as the night gets deeper, and the two were finishing off, their little but expensive friendly date, Taehyung decided to ask if it's okay to open the present. Jungkook just nodded at him, smiling excitedly.

Taehyung grabbed the box, knowing that it's Gucci aka his favorite brand, he already felt exited and thrilled about the said gift. After opening it he gasped, and stood up from his chair, to hug the mafia.

"oh my gosh, kookie! this is so pretty, oh my god....it's limited edition!....thankyou so much, Mr. Mafia!" he exclaimed enthusiastically, hopping going towards his sit, and bringing out his phone to take some few shots of it, and post it on his twitter, whith more than a million followers.

 Mafia!" he exclaimed enthusiastically, hopping going towards his sit, and bringing out his phone to take some few shots of it, and post it on his twitter, whith more than a million followers

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After their friendly date, both of them walked off. But as soon as they steeped out of the restaurant, they were surrounded by armed men, and Namjoon was held hostage, infront of them.

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