Chapter 1: Terra

Comincia dall'inizio

I take out my wallet and get a look at my ID.

Azrael Winters is the name listed, I have light gray hair and dark green eyes. I seem to be Aegir and I am 24 years old.

I seem to be who I had imagined myself as whenever I was dreaming about Terra.

Seeing that Swire is almost done with her drink, I quickly try to remember what my backstory is.


I'm able to remember my name, my apartment, the buildings of which I am a landlord of, my arts, my ability to play guitar, the fact that I smoke, and that I frequent the bar I find myself in right now.

Nothing concerning my backstory comes to mind.

Well... Seeing how I am now inside the body of the character I imagined myself as when I was dreaming of being in Terra, it wouldn't be a far assumption to assume that my backstory is made up of those dreams that I had.


Fuck, I'll try to piece together some of my backstory once I'm alone.

I should probably write down all the dreams I ha-


I'm interrupted from my thoughts with Swire slamming herself into me, even more drunk than when she originally barged in.

"So~ As I was saying" She grins and lays down in my lap. "What is a handsome guy like you doing in a place like this? I'll take you to a higher echelon place if you so desire me too~" She says, getting a dirty look from the bartender.


Screw it.

Knowing I can get away with it, I headpat her and start talking. "Lady, please don't insult the bar I frequent the most. And why are you talking as if you frequent this place? Whats some like you doing here, you look like you could buy this entire bar if you wanted." I rant to her.

"Mmmm~" Is all I get in response.

She seems to have melted into my hand from the headpat, the wonders of being drunk.

I stop headpatting her, "Lady" I stay sternly, are you even listening?


No response.

"Lady, if I can listen to music and still keep a conversation with you, you can at least try to listen to me, right?" I say trying to get her attention again.


It's no use, she's completely passed out. On my lap no less.

I give a what the fuck do I do look to the bartender and he simply passes me her bill with a small smile.

What a class act.


As expected when she asked for the "Best drink" he gave her the most expensive one.

And people say chivalry is dead.

300 LMD for a single glass, they must have gotten this bottle from the pits of Iber-hell, they must have gotten this bottle from the pits of hell.

Did my mind just naturally substitute hell with Iberia? That's probably important.

I debate taking money from Swire's wallet to pay for it, but I eventually decide to pay with my own money, being good doesn't hurt.


Well it hurts your wallet but at least you're doing something good.

I pass the money for both of our drinks over to the bartender before staring at Swire's asleep and drunken face trying to decide what to do.

Arknights: Living the DreamDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora